Sunday, July 17, 2016


Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream of impeccable beauty)

Good Evening
This is me, just enjoying the cool mountain air
in the cool of the evening, as the sun sets.
Vannie and Dave try to enjoy this with me
when they have time.
They are usually flittin' around somewhere or the other.
I tell them all the time...
sit down, enjoy the moment.

Moment #1
The Red River 4th of July Parade...
one of the best in the area.
Uncle Sam, the American Flag, and Patriotism
were no strangers here.

I love this picture of a little girl riding in the parade...
enjoying throwing candy to her adoring crowd...
and the mountains watching up ahead.

Moment #2
Dave, Vannie, Sue Nibbley, and Cousin Janet
Do they look stuffed?  Well, they were.
They had just eaten at Abe's Cantina in Arroyo Seco, NM.
Abe's has the best breakfast burrito in northern NM.
Abe's also has just regular groceries.
One stop shopping.!!!  

Here's Dave looking all handsome and hot.
Vannie's words...not mine.


Janet's friend, Sue Nibbley.
She loved me...but what's not to love.
V and D visited Sue in Florida.  She lives in Port St. Lucie.

Moment #3
Road trip to Colorado Springs, CO
...not me...just V and D...yuck.!!!
Vannie said that was a field of Rape Seed plants.
They use them in fertilizers.   

Moment # 3 was Vannie and Dave attending a 50th Anniversary party
for their friends, Jennings and Cindy Hamilton.
J and C once lived in Lafayette, LA.
This is Dave in front of "party central"...
the home of Julie and Paul Batura and kids.
Julie is J and C's daughter.

Vannie said the party was so much fun.
J and C had friends from church, and Lafayette, and Tyler, TX.

Looks yummy

Doug and Judy Page
Lafayette Friends
V and D said it was so good to see
some homefolks.

Moment #4
Breakfast at Garden of the God's Club

Check out that awesome view...

while enjoying some speculator food.

Moment #5
Paul Batura (son-in-law of Jennings and Cindy)
works for Focus on the Family Ministry in Colorado Springs.
He took them all on a wonderful tour of the facilities.

One of the main lobbies...

Janet Lackey, Cindy's sister from Tyler, TX
They were blessing the group with a song.
Dave said their voices meshed together like butter.

The group

Moment #6
Judy and Doug Page were staying at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs.
They invited "the group" to come by and experience the Broadmoor.
V and D said it was quite an "experience".

The Broadmoor was built in 1938.
V said every turn was another "moment".

Just a few trinkets discovered in the area...

Just a little rose bouquet...
Who is that LSU fan standing behind on the right?
Vannie said that was Jennings.

Moment # 7
V and D said the final moment with friends,
just sitting by the fire on the patio of the Broadmoor,
visiting and enjoying the quite peaceful time together,
was the "peace ala resistance".
This is Cindy, Janet, and Janet's friend, Jimmy.

Monday, July 4, 2016


Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream still hanging with owner, Vannie and Dave)

Has it been almost a month since I last filled you in on our adventures?
Oh my goodness, it's the old writer's block syndrome, I guess.

Or maybe it is just that we have been enjoying the great New Mexico weather, people,
food, music, and mountains so much, I plum forgot about my blog.

Vannie and Dave have slipped back into their routine of working 
at the Caribel Condos in Red River,
eating at the Senior Center in Questa, 
 and enjoying their awesome place at the 
Gloria Gonzales' RV campground.

Of course, it's not all about working, eating, and relaxing...
although that sounds really nice.

Red River has lots of extra activities during the summer.
One of these activities is the Art and Wine Festival.
I think this is what they categorized as "food art".
Just an old plain cantelope.
Vannie said they never had anything like that in Bernice
when she was going up.  

This guy knew actually what he was doing...
and Vannie said he did it in about 3 minutes.

Vannie did have a sip or two of wine.
There were several tents featuring  New Mexico vineyards.
They were giving tasting treats during the festival. 

The Community House in downtown Red River 
always has something going on.
This is their "Jammin' on the Porch".
Dave was singing up a storm.

And then afterward the jammin', V and D headed inside for
"stompin'.  Just a bit of little country dance lessons...
I love this picture.  Dave's on the left...he is leading with his
right foot...which is correct.  Notice the guys that just don't get it.  lol

V and D's anniversary week started off heading to Ojo Caliente.
Beautiful Drive

Decided I could just cut and paste the info about Ojo.
They said it so much better than I could...and
you can check out the website.
Bucket List Everybody.!!!

Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs is a northern New Mexico resort and spa near Santa Fe.Ojo Caliente is the oldest natural hot springs health resort in the country. Our sulphur-free, geothermal mineral waters have flowed from a subterranean volcanic aquifer for thousands of years. Over 100,000 gallons per day come to the surface, revitalizing those who soak in the long believed, healing waters.

SPA is the acronym for the Latin phrase Salus Per Aquas, which means "health through water."

After soaking in all the mineral pools...relaxed...I would say so.

Headed back down the Rio Grande Gorge.
V said, "Look out...too steep for me."

Over the river and through the woods

Through Pilar, NM

Then back up Hwy 68 through Taos 

A quick stop in Rancho de Taos 
at Old Martina's Hall

The BEST almond croissants in the WORLD.
They also had pain au chocolat (Dave's fave). 

Home at last.
Yummy homemade veggie pizza on the grill. 

Dave was asked to play the piano for church Sunday.
Love his little music room.

Practice makes perfect.

His hands are ready, and he's all dressed up.
Ready to bless the socks off everyone.

One day on their way up to eat at the senior center,
V and D visited with these high school art students.
They were busy painting the mural behind the visitor's center
in Questa.  Adorable...

This butterfly posed for them on their walk, too.
Nature is such a blessing.

A visit to Santa Fe was in order to
V and D's BCF (best cousins forever)...
Jay and Kathryn Brady.
Look closely ad you can  see Vannie and Kathryn getting in a good visit.

Here's Jay telling Dave all about something or other.

J and K's casita is so adorable.

Dave helping himself to a snack.
Check out that kitchen.  Love it..;

Vannie said she took this pic for several reasons.
First it is a few of Jay's paintings...
a print V's son's (Ashley's) pen and ink top right.

McDonald's on the way home.
Coupon...2 egg McMuffin's for the price of one...

OK...everything is not peaches and cream...
The wind blow a hole in our screen room...
It's all patched up now...Dave is very handy.

Confused? or Amused?
Looks like lots of wires and plugs and pliers and stuff
All the lights came back on after this project....
sooo, I guess whatever he did worked.

I have some more stories I need to share,
so I won't wait so long to write next time.

Happy 4th
Dave and Vannie were in the Red River parade today.
Will post those pics soon...