Tuesday, April 30, 2013


V and D's Cousin Kathryn at her home in Creststone, CO
Royal Gorge Bridge...Vannie was right...looks like I can see China at the bottom of that thing.

Wedding of long lost relatives at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs...
This is the bride and her dad.

V and D with Cousin, Diana, Mother of the Bride

Festival Crew...Vincent, Ashley, Cooper, Emilie




V and D with Sarah and Tom from MA
Hallelujah!  We are back together again.  I was really getting lonely, so when I saw Vannie and Dave round the corner off of I35 into Hillsboro, I was ecstatic.  I was singing to the top of my lungs...if I had any.  Guess I was pretending.  Anyway, they were happy to see me, too.

Just a little update since I last blogged...(I know I've been quite lately...just too busy to put the words on the page)
...V and D had a sleepover with cousins, Kathryn and Jay Brady, in Creststone, CO.  I have written about  them before.  Remember...Kathryn is a principal of Creststone Charter School.  V and D had
a great time catching up with their news and sharing what has been going on with them.
...Next day they headed to Colorado Springs, CO for a wedding of some more cousins.  On the way they visited the Royal Gorge Bridge.  Vannie said it was really hard for her to look down...and when she did, she was expecting to see China, because it was so deep.  LOL
...On to the wedding...David's cousin, Diana Channell Chenevert, was the mother of the bride.  Her daughter was getting married at the Air Force Academy Chapel.  V and D said that the wedding was beautiful...the bride, the chapel, Diana...so much fun to catch up with relatives they had not seen in 25 years.
...Next stop...Hillsboro and Me!!!! Nuf said about that.  I've still got a great big smile on my face!
...Then...on to Farmerville, LA.  It felt so good to be hooked up to my BFF (truck) again.  He is so strong and mighty.  Pulling me is one of his best jobs!  We stayed overnight at the Lincoln Parish Park.  V and D unhooked me and headed up to Farmerville to see Pearl, Dave's mom.  She is doing great to be 94 years old.  Still at home.  Hope I can hang in there like that!
...Lafayette and Festival International de Louisiane 2013...V and D pulled me into my fave spot in Lafayette...Marilyn and Jay Keef's,  They are members of the Acadiana Airstream Association and are so sweet to let me park right beside their house.  You might remember when we were here in January, there was a bunch of rain...and a lot of flooding.  There is always rain in Lafayette, but I think we are cool this time.  Marilyn and Jay have put some extra gravel in the driveway, and the parish has cleaned out the ditches.  Everything looks great!  V and D have some friends that they met at the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque that are in town for the International Festival, so they are enjoying catching up with them.  Their names are Sarah and Tom, and they are from MA. 
...Cooper (#1 grandson) has already come for a sleepover.  He got to watch all his favorite movies...Gnomeo and Juliet, Elf, and Sound of Music
...Emilie (V and D's daughter) and Vincent (#2 grandson) arrived in town from Austin, TX yesterday.

Got to go....We'll talk later...

Thursday, April 18, 2013


snow on an aspen tree in front of the grocery store

park in front of the community center


My cousin...she sure looks cold!

Red River Charter School playground

along the High Road in RR

Springtime in RR...oops

Main Street

Don't you just love this birdhouse

The pond in front of Vannie's condo


Little birdies eating breadcrumbs on V and D's picnic table

Dear Gypsy,
Dave and I went for a springtime walk in Red River.  It sure doesn't look like the springtime walks we have taken in Lafayette.  It still is very beautiful and peaceful, and we have enjoyed every snowflake.  Just one more week and we can give you a big hug.
                                            Love, Vannie

I got these pictures and note in an email this morning.  God sure knows how to make every part of the world beautiful in His own way. 

Friday, April 12, 2013


Gathering the snow...Please Vannie, don't get any yellow snow!

Look what came in my email today.  Vannie remembered her mom making snow ice cream when she was a little girl....so she decided to give it a try. 
It seemed to work.  She said that everyone raved over it.  Even Dave, who is not a big ice cream eater.  Watch out Mr. Borden, Vannie might be stepping on your toes.  She shared the recipe if you want to give it a try.
1 big bowl of clean white snow
1 can Pet milk
2 Tablespoons of vanilla
1 cup sugar (Vannie used 1/2 cup Splenda Blend)
Might have to add a little more milk, or vanilla, or sugar to taste
Everything thing has to be done fast, because once the snow comes in the house, it starts to melt.
Eat right away...not good left over
This sounds wonderful, but no snow around me in Texas.  Guess I'll just have to use my imagination!
About a week and a half till V and D step through my door...I'm missin' them bunches!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Vannie and Dave were greeted with a snowstorm as they rounded the bend into Red River,NM.
Here they are with friends from Lafayette, Gordon Bilello and Gerald Trim
Snowshoeing in the Enchanted Forest
Dave has a big smile on his face when he sees this sign.
Gold's Peak
When there is snow, then there is snow angels.
Vannie hiking up the cemetery trail near Red River.
San Louis, CO...Stations of the Cross leading to the church
More friends from Lafayette...Jan and Chester Baudoin
Taos, NM....right behind the square....
Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Big Horn Sheep...lots of them between Taos and Red River...Boy Scouts were instrumental in getting them protected.
Today...the snow is back with a vengence...This was taken out V and D's condo's window. Vannie said it was suppposed to be 13 degrees tonight.  My little aluminum body would be shivering!
Cold little duck in the snow
Well, it is about time!  I thought I was going to have to get a search warrent out for Vannie and Dave.  They left me here in Hillsboro, TX (which I am loving because I have met so many new friends).  I knew they were going to Red River, NM to their condo, but they left Tues. April 1, and I hadn't heard a word from them until today.  I sure was glad when I checked my email, and these pictures were on there.  Looks like they are having a blast.  Snowshoeing....Hiking...Shopping....Eating...Visiting with friends...and just watching the snow out the window seems heavening!
As for me....I feel like I am having a vacation, too...a little down time is always uplifting.