Monday, September 26, 2016

TREES by Sergeant Joyce Kilmer

Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that LOVES sitting around the campground 
watching the trees blowing in the breeze)

a poem by Sergeant Joyce Kilmer
was a poem that Vannie's mom learned
when she was in high school.

I've heard lots of stories about Madge.
Sure wish we could have met face to face.
Her birthday was September 21.

Now,  time to share the poem...
in honor of Madge and the glorious Aspens,
which are making the mountains glow...

by Sergeant Joyce Kilmer  

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain,

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Vannie and Dave started their "leaf" adventure in the
upper valley in Red River.

Notice the "butterfly"...

Then they headed up Sawmill mountain by Millet Park in Red River...

V and D ended up in Questa.
Snoopy Mountain looks like an artist's palette.

Thank you, God, for making a tree.

This color party has been a great going-away celebration for us.
We head to Albuquerque to the Balloon Fest on Thursday.
See ya next year northern New Mexico...

Friday, September 23, 2016


Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that is smilin' from ear to ear to see some home folks)

When this little blue Argosy pulled in to Gonzales RV, D and V almost wet their pants.
Sarah and Howard Bourque were a sight for sore eyes.
They are some good folks from New Iberia, LA.  We been knowing them
since we joined the Acadiana Airstream Club about six years ago.
We have even stayed at there house...and that means all of us...D, V, and me. 

They have completely restored this little jewel.

This is Sarah with sweet Sadie.

Vannie and Dave enjoyed showing them around.
...Tour Guides extraordinaire...
Red River was the first place on the agenda. 

This is V and D's home away from home 
for 4 months out of the year.

Red River is such a cute little place.
Who wouldn't love it.!!! 
This was taken on one of the bridges crossing the Red River.
Sadie is certainly enjoying herself.

Of course, the Caribel Condominiums was a must.
V and D work part time here.  
Wow...working doesn't get much better than this.

On to Arroyo Seco, NM...
Another little diamond nestled back in the mountains
of northern New Mexcio...

Looks like Howard and Sadie have settled in.

Taos Cow Restaurant for lunch...
YUM...They also make homemade ice cream.
Dang...This always makes me want to be human.!!!

Arroyo Seco Hardward Store...
Cant miss this...Vannie said that she always finds
a little something that she can not live without in this place.
Chocked full of goodies.!!!!

The hollyhocks were still in bloom, and
everyone in NM has an old truck.

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge
Dave said that when he walks across this bridge, he gets goose bumps.

That's a "fur" piece down to the river.
The scenery is breathe-taking. 

Thank you, Sarah and Howard...
What a treat to have some home folks come for a visit.

We will be leaving next week for Albuquerque...
but I challenge some more Louisiana folks to come on over.
V and D love being tour guides...
and it just makes me quiver to see old friends.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that was left alone for the weekend)

Yes...Home Alone...
BUT...all the Texans have left,
so it was peaceful and quiet
around the ole compound.
Vannie and Dave said, "Gypsy, it's time
to head north to get in a good visit with our
friends from Louisiana, Grace and Richard."

G and R have a great little spot off Piedra Road
in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
Grace is a Scrabble aficionado, and
Richard is just handy to have around.
Vannie taught school with Grace at Broadmoor Elementary
back in the day. 

It was a beautiful New Mexico/Colorado day
as V and D headed north from Questa.
Check out the sunflowers along the sides of the road.
Looks like a Van Gogh painting or maybe the Yellow Brick Road.

As they got closer to the Colorado border,
 they spotted signs that said..."Costilla Art Tour".
Vannie can't keep going when she sees a sign like that.
Soooo...the tires started screeching, and rubber was burning
when they pulled into the Costilla plaza to check out the "art".

These entry's were from the local kindergartners.
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Have you any wool? 
Vannie is a sucker when it comes to kid's art.

...and Dave is a sucker for anything unusual.  

Colorado is saying, "Hey, here comes some
Louisiana folks. Let's roll out the purple and gold."

V and D arrived in Pagosa just as G and R were
finishing up with the makings for a picnic.

Yep...Grace has all the right stuff.
Small table, chairs, little white cut work table cloth,
hors d'eouvres, crock pot full of a yummy chicken dish,
beautiful scenery, AND wine.
That girl knows how to entertain.

While G and R were getting all the "picnic" stuff out,
Dave goes to take a peak over the edge.
The Piedra River is WAY down below.
That is too close for comfort for me.

Looks like Richard and Dave are discussing something really important.
All Vannie is thinking about is the food.  
I know that look.

Grace was right...the scenery steals the show every time.

OMG...still discussing.!!!!

Tummies were full...the sun went behind the mountains...
Now, folks, this was no ordinary JENGA game.
No, sir-ree...It was a special game created to honor the
100th birthday of the national parks.  
Each block was in-scripted with a national park fact.
Fun while you learn.!!!

D and V woke up the next morning to this delicious breakfast.
Just the right thing to start their day for the ride home.

Great Visit...time to head back down this winding road
with memories to last them till next year.

Beautiful scenery in all directions

It just keeps happening.

D and V stopped on the way back home in Chama, CO.
8,179 feet...elevation
Home of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad...
runs between Chama and Antonito, CO.

They didn't do the train, but enjoyed a meal at the Boxcar Restaurant.
Black Bean Burger, fries, and a cinnamon roll to die for...

After they got back home, Vannie spotted this on Facebook.
Grace had been playing around with an art app
and created this piece of artwork.
Can't leave her alone for long...kind of freaky, if you ask me.
...but who ever asks me????

Great Visit and Loads of Fun

ps...treasures from the Costilla Art Tour...
Dave hung this one in our little screen room.
I think it goes perfect with the outdoors.

...and the horses created on tiles was another treasure
from the art tour.  V and D have a very hard time
resisting "art"...even thought I do not have an
inch of space left for them to put one more thing.
I think these horses are going to sit for a while
by the stove, until Dave gets an
 "aha" moment of where to put them.