Friday, August 24, 2018


Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that is a writer...just like Mr. Lawrence...kinda)

"...New Mexico was the greatest experience
...It certainly changed me forever."
D. H. Lawrence

"...New Mexico is da bomb
...It's made me love in red or green."
Gypsy Rhapsody

Vannie and Dave have been experiencing New Mexico
since the late '90s.  I've been coming with them since
2012.  Every year as we drove down Hwy. 522 toward
Taos, we passed a sign that says D. H. Lawrence Ranch.
Time and again, Vannie would say...
"This year we are going to go check out that ranch."
But every year, it never happened...

Vannie and Dave and their friends, Jean and Bob, 
headed down Hwy. 522 on a mission...
They turned left on San Cristobal Road
and stayed right at each branch.  The ranch
was about 5 miles down a very curvy rocky New Mexico road.
The road dead-ended at the ranch.

This was the New Mexico home of the English novelist 
D. H. Lawrence.  It is located at 8,600 feet above sea level
on Lobo Mountain near San Cristobal.  It was first established
in the 1880's and has had several owners.  In 1920 Mabel Dodge Lujan,
a New York socialite, purchased the property.  Mabel invited Lawrence
and his wife, Frieda, to visit the ranch in 1922.  In 1924 Mabel gave the ranch
to Frieda in exchange for one of Lawrence's handwritten manuscripts...
Sons and Lovers.

In the front yard of the Homesteader Cabin is a
25 foot ponderosa pine known as "The Lawrence Tree".
Lawrence would sit under the tree and write in his notebooks.
He would often sit on a wooden carpenter's bench...other
times he would sit with his back against the tree's trunk.

Georgia O'Keeffe, famous artist of the 20th century,
visited the Lawrence Ranch in the late 1920's.  She was
fascinated with the tree.  
 O'Keeffe Quote:  "I had one particular painting...that tree in Lawrence's
front yard, as you see it when you lie under it on the table...with stars...
it looks as tho it is standing on its head..."

David:  "Quick, Vannie, give me my notebook and pencil.
I have a vision...The tree looks like it is standing on its head."
Yeah, right.!!!!

The cabin has three rooms...this is the dining room.

The more modern kitchen was added later.

The middle room has a 6 1/2x4 foot 24-pane window.
Lawrence loved to relax and look outside at the
beautiful fields of wildflowers.  
Who is that guy next to D. L.?
Oh my's W. D.! (William David)

Vannie Quote:  "Well, it's small, but it is bigger than Gypsy."
Is that a compliment?...I'm wondering.!

Trinidad Archuleta, a Native American from the Taos Pueblo,
painted this buffalo 4 years after D. H. Lawrence died.  Trinidad
had lived and worked at the ranch while the Lawrence's lived there.
He helped out with ranch chores and acted as a trail guide.

This window is in a tiny cabin adjacent to the main cabin.
It was called the Brett Cabin.  In 1924 Dorothy Brett from British royalty,
came with D.H. and Frieda to New Mexico to establish a utopian community
called Rananim.  Dorothy helped the Lawrence's with all kinds of manual labor.
She also typed some of Lawrence's manuscripts in her little cabin.  

...on this typewriter...

Vannie said this zigzag path leading to the
Lawrence Memorial was very steep.  The memorial
was built by Frieda's, 3rd husband,Angelo Ravagli.

On this day Dave was the official greeter of the memorial.
He actually sprinted up that zigzag walkway
and welcomed the rest of us "breathing heavily".

The Phoenix perched on top is Lawrence's symbol of life and death.
The rosette window above the door helps with the lighting during the day.
Dave said that Frieda's grave is on the bottom left of this picture.

Vannie said that inside the memorial reminded
her of Shakespeare's grave in Stanford-on-Avon, England.
Maybe this is a traditional grave site for the English. 

This is the alter that holds DHL's ashes.
The rosette window above the alter was painted by Dorothy Brett.

Back down the zigzag walkway...

...and down the 5 miles of Lawrence Ranch Road...
...turning left at all the branches...
....on San Cristobal Road...
...turning right on Hwy. 522...

...back to the real world...

So...the moral of this story is...
when you are driving down Hwy. 522 between Questa and Taos,
don't drive by that sign that is pointing the way to the D. H. Lawrence Ranch...
saying that you will visit it it's well worth the adventure.

FYI...D. H. Lawrence wrote Lady Chatterley's Lover...
just sayin'...

Sunday, August 5, 2018


Gypsy Rhapsody 
(a 1977 Airstream that loves those Salvagio's)

The Salvagio's headed to Red River for their
annual visit. Vannie and Dave's baby daughter, Emilie...
son-in-law, Roy...grandkids, Vincent and Maddie.
They flew in from Austin to Albuquerque,
rented a cool silver Mustang and headed to Red River.

This rainbow greeted them upon their arrival.
It was going to be a good week.

Of course, I couldn't wait for them to come see me.
Vincent and Maddie came for a sleepover.
Haul out the paints, brushes, and canvases...
Vannie had a what's new.

Maddie gets serious when it comes to painting.
Vannie might have a lesson, but Maddie definitely has her own plan.
I think I heard..."Let me do it"...several times.

Vincent always has good ideas, too.
...just a little more laid back...

Maddie LOVES the Questa Library.
When they come to see me, that's always on the agenda.

Showing T-Pop her books was so much fun.

Her favorite one was the Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme book.
She said they had that book at her school.
She looked at it over and over again.

Vincent was relaxing playing on his game thingy.

But they both were spellbound watching the movie, High School Musicals, after supper.
Emilie said they had seen it a million times, but still loved it.

Ahhh...breakfast outside the next morning.
Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes...YUM.

Back to the Caribel Condos to see Mom and Dad.
Emilie and Roy had a relaxing evening sans kids.
Vannie remembers that was always an upper.
You love 'em, but a little break from 'em is refreshing.

One of those good ole afternoon Red River rain showers...
It was probably 60 degrees outside...but Maddie didn't care.

Then it started hailing...
Oh my goodness...Roy was getting aggressive.
Hail Snowballs...Ouch.!!!

Later the next morning, the Caribel heated pool was calling for Vincent and Maddie.
Ready...Set...Jump.!!!  Wheeeeee....

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Looks like this bear has had one too many chocolate treats.
Maddie remembered him from last year and was excited to see him again.
Maddie thinks this place has the best ice cream...
especially mint chocolate chip ...Delish.!!!

And then when your legs just can't take another step...
Daddy always has the biggest shoulders.

Fishing at the Caribel
Check out this rainbow trout just swimming peacefully around the pond.

That fish had no idea that Roy and Vincent were out to get it.

Those poor fish don't have a chance when the Salvagio Boys get serious.

Vincent is checking their catch.

It's hard to see all of them...but there are 10 beauties.
That's the limit for the day.

Vannie's ready for the those suckers.

Emilie gets a lesson...

Finally Roy comes over to help.

Some Louisiana Fish Fry...and some good hot oil...
and those rainbow trout come out tasting fab.

And just to have a different gourmet delight...
Some were baked with lots of lemon and Cajun seasoning.
Dang...Everyone was chowing down and licking their lips.

While the boys were fishing, the girls...Emilie, Vannie, and Maddie...
had a fun day in Taos at the farmer's market.
The market is every Saturday around the square.
So many veggies, fruits, baked goods, and much more.

But...Maddie picked the hot dog from the Hot Dog Lady Stand.
Vannie had eaten one from the Hot Dog Lady at the Ayro Seco 4th of July parade...and knew they were good.

And Maddie agreed.

After lunch...the shopping began.
Maddie is just like her mom...loves to shop.
And who wouldn't love this red wagon full of stuffed animals.
Little girl magnet...for sure.

Jeep Rentals
Destination...Greenie Peak
Road to Greenie Peak...REALLY bumpy...rocky...curvy...

Maddie can't resist a quick doggy rub before heading out...

Oh my mud puddles...
Vannie said Roy knew how to make everyone SCREAM bloody murder...

Top of Greenie...
and Emilie is still smiling.

It was Roy's birthday,
and Maddie had surprised him (and Em, Vincent, V, and D)
with all his cards and presents stuffed in her backpack.
An impromptu birthday party on the top of Greenie Peak.

OK...Folks...time to go down...but which way.!!!
Emilie said there were a few (well, maybe a lot) of wrong turns,
but they finally made it back to the Caribel....

...and there were some pretty tired little ones...
an early-to-bed night.!!!

Vannie said it was hard to get pics on the rafting trip down the Rio Grande River.
This one of Vincent and Em shows what a good time everyone was having.

...and Maddie was dancing a jig when they got back...

Yep...Go Carts are a must in Red River...
5 minutes of fast driving...screaming...and trying to win the race.
Go, Roy and Vincent.!!!

Emilie and Maddie stayed ahead most of the race.

So much fun...but the week had to come to an end.
One of our northern New Mexico sunsets capped off the week.

See you folks back in Texas in October.