Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that is not tired, nervous or over-civilized.)
"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity."
John Muir
Vannie said John Muir got it right...and he said it a bunch of years ago.
It fits just as good today as it did back then....
actually, she thinks even better.
Covid-19 has definitely made us tired and nerve-shaken, and even
Check out how V and D make "Wildness a Necessity."

I know Dave doesn't look too "wild.
He is actually relaxing by the Rio Grande River...getting ready to be "wild".

The Cemetery Hike
Check out Vannie's new "Camel Back".
It's holds water and a bunch of other stuff...
like a bunch of snacks.
(it's so cool how it matches her pants...fashionista. )

Dave's enjoying a cool drink of water among
the former residents of Questa.

OK...Vannie said it was no way this hike was only
3/4 mile down and 3/4 mile up...
It had to be at least 10 miles both ways.

Dave said he was so thankful that their friends,
Phillip Jowers and family, were with them
on this hike.
The Jowers had extra water...which was MUCH needed.
2 Wild Things

They were not so "wild" by the time
they got back up the trail.
More like "wilted" things...

Even though they get "wilted",
they seem to revive and go again.
This was the Vistas de Questa Trail...
About 2 miles up the mountain
and 2 miles back down.
Longer than the Wild River's trail,
but not so steep.

Lots of great views

...and the scenery while she's cooking is spectacular .
That is a mountain in the distance.
The light was just right...made it glow like a heavenly temple.

Just had to wish everyone a happy 4th...
and it's Red River's 125th anniversary.
Free cupcakes and pins for everyone.

And to top off the fabulous day,
God graced us with a double rainbow.
America the Beautiful