Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that didn't get to go to New Mexico for Thanksgiving...Waa Waa)
Ok, so I'm acting like a baby about this Thanksgiving trip thingy.
Vannie, Dave, Emilie, Vincent, and Maddie
left MinnieG and I behind in Texas while
they headed to New Mexico for Thanksgiving.
They had rooms at the Caribel Condos.
Guess Vannie and Dave needed a little away time from "trailer living".
MinnieG and I tried our best to act like grown-ups about this situation,
but it was hard, folks. MinnieG and I finally had to put on our
big girl panties and enjoy our alone time.
V and D kept us posted on their adventures, and assured
us that we would be together again soon.
Vannie sent back lots of great pictures.
Looks like everyone is having a great time.
Dave said that Vincent could hardly wait
to check out the pond at the Caribel.
No Fishing
No skating
Just had a thin layer of ice covering it...
and snow all around.
Don't step on that ice!!!
Maddie was so excited to see her friends,
Audrey and Sidney.
They had met several summers ago,
and are so happy when they arrive
at the Caribel at the same time.
The ski slopes were not open until
the middle of the week,
so sledding was the order of the day.

Everyone bundled up and
headed out to the snowiest parts.
There's Maddie on the ground...Vincent's on the right
heading back up to go back down.
Oh my goodness...Vannie said Maddie climbed up to the
top of that "whale" (that's what locals call big mountains of snow).
She slid down with no sled...wheeeee!
There's T-Pop ready to help out.
...and Vannie was there, too.
It took a village to get everyone
ready for the slopes.
Boots, coats, hats, gloves, scarves,
goggles, skis...

Vannie said that she remembered the first time Emilie was on skis at the age of 5. She was a pro then...and is one now.

Here she is giving Vincent a few pointers.

...and then some tips for Maddie, as well.
Vincent and Maddie did take lessons for a whole day.
...and they were ready to take off.
Very tired at the end of the day...
but all smiles!
Mission Accomplished!
Oh, did I mention...
While the kids were skiing,
V and D were getting some "coffee house" therapy.
Dave said he loved this type of "therapy" .
Coffee...cinnamon rolls...sausage biscuits
...Then came Thanksgiving...
Dave created his "fruit" turkey.
He saw it on Facebook and had to give it a try.
Now, that is a bunch of rolls for 5 people...
but, hey, it's can have more than one.
...and mashed potatoes...
Vannie said the bowl wasn't big enough for the amount of potatoes...
so lots of splitters all over the kitchen.
There was also turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pie and ice cream.
...and then...naptime...
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
A fun tradition

Working on a puzzle later in the day...
...and Maddie and her friends had a hot game of Yahtzee.
They even created their own rules.
Vannie said there was lots of squeals and laughing going on.
Playing in the snow at Mallette Park...
Vincent was having a snowball fight with the girls.
...and how about this.
Vincent playing basketball in the snow.
On a beautiful "no snow" day...the crew heading
to Arroyo Seco for a little shopping therapy.
This old truck is parked at the end of town,
and is a perfect photo op for a couple of cute girls.
On the way back to Red River, Dave saw this guy standing guard
of his haram. He was making sure nobody came too close.
He is a big horned sheep. These guys have been reintroduced
to the area after being away for over a 100 years.
His haram!!!
Don't you just love those cute little bottoms!
When it's time to go to the airport to fly home...
and it's snowing like crazy!
Maddie is helping clean off the truck!
The trip down the mountain!!!
Vannie said Dave was taking it slow and easy.
...and everyone was praying for a safe journey.
Emilie, Vincent, and Maddie got to the airport in Albuquerque just in the nick of time.
Their flight back to Austin was uneventful.
Everyone was ready for work and school the next day.
After dropping the kids off at the airport, V and D headed to their friend, Loretta's.
Loretta has a bunch of friends...and now they are all Vannie and Dave's, too.
Judy, Helen, Vera, Loretta
Maggie and Carman
Oh...and they all came and brought food.
Vannie said they ate, played cards, and laughed a lot.
Snoopy Mountain in Questa
Vannie and Dave took the "history walk" in Questa.
It goes around the church...across the highway...
through the neighborhood...down to the coffee shop.
They also visited one of their BFF...Gloria Gonzales.
A good visit around the kitchen table with coffee and cookies...
Gloria is the owner of Gonzales' RV Park. This is where
V and D park me during the summer. Gloria always
saves us the best stop.
Coming back from a visit with V and D's cousins, Kathryn and Jay Brady,
they drove by a beautiful light display in Questa.
It was the annual Santa's Helpers Del Norte Gift Giving Event.
Kids age 0 to 18 got a gift. There were cars lined up for a mile.
What a wonderful event for a such a small town as Questa!
Questa is small but has a great big heart!!!
Vannie and Dave said it time to go back to Texas
One more pic of the big horn sheep...
Never enough pictures of these guys...
The puzzle is finished...
One more snowball to throw...
...and the sun sets on a sleepy little New Mexico town...
Bye Bye till summer!!!
You guys are not going to get away without me next time!!!