Friday, June 28, 2024



Gypsy Rhapsody

(a 1977 Airstream that is in love with the Land of Enchantment)

Here I am in all my glory!!!
Lovin' my spot at Gloria Gonzales' RV Park in Questa, NM.
It is just 10 miles down the mountain from Red River,
where Vannie and Dave have their part-time jobs

Markie M., V and D
V and D attended a wonderful graduation party for Markie
after they arrived in NM.  Markie is the son of their boss
at the Caribel Condos...Angelique Gonzales.
We've been knowing Markie since he was a little tike.
He is such a handsome, kind, helpful guy.
Just a great kid!!!

V and D ran across this old friend at the party, Vickie C..
Vickie is the cousin of our good friend, Helen, who lives in Rio Rancho and
our boss, Angelique.  
The party was full of great people and wonderful food.
...and all those people are cousins of Angelique.

The fishing pond at the Caribel.
It is full of rainbow trout.
About every 2 weeks in the summer,
a big truck arrives from Colorado and restocks the pond.
Fry up your catch for the day...
now that's come good eatin'.

There is V and D's miracle truck.
2010 F150
330,000 miles
Runs like a top.
It's sitting at the Caribel waiting 
for V and D to get off work.

The gazebo at the Caribel
Great place for a picnic
or just to sit and enjoy the view.

Memorial Day in Questa is celebrated with this
awesome flag display.
The flags, the mountain, the blue sky, the white clouds...ahhhh

Vannie said that one of her favorite Memorial Day
creations was this flag that a child drew with chalk
on the sidewalk in Red River .
Drawn straight from the heart!!!

The Red River Car Show
V and D's good friend Jay displayed his old VW bus.
Dave said there were lots of refurbished cars with their proud owners.
Jay used to own the thrift store in Questa.
Great place to shop 

Of course, V and D had to hike up to the Questa Cemetery.
It's always a good first hike of the summer.
This picture was taken from the cemetery which is situated on a plateau.
I am in this picture...barely.
I am right in the middle. 
 You can see a wee bit of my silver skin. 

Another adventure was to visit their new friend, David K.
David lives up the mountain on a very bumpy road.

They both said it was worth it.

This is one of David K.'s structures
that he created for meditation.

Vannie was mesmerized by these shadows.
David K. really has a peaceful place.
It was a delightful visit, despite the very bumpy road to get there.

David said it was starting to cloud up, so they headed
for home...Ute Mountain rose up in the landscape to guide
them along the road...and back to civilization. 

A day in Taos for Vannie's birthday...
This was one of the shops in the John Dunn area of Bent Street
right off the plaza in Taos.
V said that all the clothes were in categories by color.
A school teacher's dream!!!

What a fabulous bookstore in the heart of Taos!!!
V and D had visited this bookstore many times
but had never been upstairs.
It was a whole new experience.
The photographs on the ceiling...the collections of books...
the reading nooks, the furnishings...they loved everything
about this discovery.
This bookstore was voted "Best in Taos".

The flowers in the John Dunn area are spectacular.



...and then...
V and D topped off the birthday with a picnic in the park.
A Delightful day!

...and then there was another birthday...
Their friend, Sharon, from the Senior Center, gave her
mom a big birthday party in Amalia, NM.
It was a pig roast with all the trimmings.
Her mom is in the middle with her sister and a friend.
Our friend, Dorothy Jowers, is peeking around.
Dorothy and her husband, Dan, are parked
next to us in Questa.

Just as a finishing touch, Vannie finished knitting
this baby blanket for her good friend's baby.
Sweet Caroline will enjoy this blanket for years to come.
Vannie was very thankful that she completed
this blanket before Caroline started school. lol

Dulces Suenos  

Monday, June 10, 2024



Gypsy Rhapsody

(a 1977 airstream that realizes that she is WAY behind in her posting)

It's About Time I got off my rear-end

and got this blog going again.

My goodness...5 months since I last posted.

Well, all I can say, we've had a few hiccups. 

What's this, you say???
Well, it's Christmas Time and Minnie and I are
all gussied up for the holidays.
Minnie's on the left.
I'm on the right.
We are parked in front of Vannie and Dave's villa.
in Hillsboro, Tx.
North Texas Airstream Community

V and D and the gang celebrating a family Christmas
at a cabin on Lake D'Arbonne in North Louisiana
L to R
Emilie, Maddie, Vannie, Dave, Diane, Ashley, Vincent Cooper

Lots of families got in on the fun.
This was Dave's side of the family.

...and this was Vannie's...

It was really a great Christmas!!!

V and D celebrated New Year's
in their pj's at NTAC.
Lots of great food, fun, and festivities

...and then there was Easter...
The Christmas decorations were replaced with bunnies and eggs and flowers.
V and D actually won 2nd place in the beautification contest.'re on Candid Camera!!!
Some people probably will not know what I'm even talking about.
Since I was born in 1977, I have seen reruns.
It was a TV show in the 60's.
This little bear is the cutest.
Vannie made him for a special
project.  He was given to CASA.
(Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children)
The CASA volunteers gave him to a child
who came under their care.

That little bear multiplied.  NTAC Ladies Club was able to donate
25 bears to this wonderful organization.

Hiccup #1
Dave had to have 2 stents put in the right artery of his heart
I think he is ready for his close-up here in this photo.
All went well!

A quick trip to Austin
Vannie and Maddie had a ball making pretzels.
Vincent said they were delicious!!!

After pretzels, came the choir performance.
Vannie said Maddie was the best.

Hiccup #2
3 stents in the left artery of the heart
Vannie said Dave had just taken some of the good stuff.
Very relaxed!!!
Another successful procedure!!!

Emilie and Vincent..
Vincent's braces are off...and looking good!!!

Dave said that he was so excited to see our president
and the first gentleman explain the eclipse in a 
"johnny-on-the-spot" performance.

The Austin crew arrived for the event.
Vincent, Maddie, Emilie

...and Prince and the Bluebonnets

Vannie said that there was something VERY special
about sitting in your own backyard with your family
watching the eclipse...and realizing we are a part of 
something so much bigger.

...and it happened!!!
Vannie's IPhone really doesn't do it justice...
but it was A M A Z I N G. 

Another HUGE event was the Grand Opening
of Hillsboro's very own BUCK-EE's.
V and D's friend, Jennifer, picked them up 
 early in the morning so that they could be 
among the first customers.  
What a blast!!!

Vannie and Dave made a quick trip to Lafayette, LA.
It coincided with their favorite festival...
Festival International de Louisiane.
Breakfast at Dryers' Cafe is a must.
V and D and friend, Jan... 

Enjoying the festival with friend, Gordon

...Dinner a la Crab...

Lunch with grandson, Cooper

Hiccup #3
"David Van Gogh"
Dave had a skin cancer removed.
He had to go to a plastic surgeon in Belton, TX 
because of where it was located.
All cancer removed.
34 stitches
Vannie said she was afraid his ear was 
going to fall off when they took out the stitches.
Thankfully, that did not happen.

Before heading out to NM, V and D had a wonderful visit
with Nancy and Art Stewart and their granddaughter, Kathryn.
They met in Mansfield, TX for lunch.
Vannie graduated from Bernice High School with Nancy.

Gassing up the truck for the journey across Texas.
Dave said it takes more than one or two tankfuls to make it.

On the Road Again
It's a long way across Texas,
but the roads are good and the sky is big.

Just look at me...
Sooo photogenic!!!
Tye, TX

Santa Rosa, NM

Gassing up AGAIN...
Cline's Corner, NM
Look at that smile on my face...
I'm starting to get excited...
Almost there!

Hiccups taken care of...

Everyone is feeling good.
We are looking forward to some cooler weather
in Northern NM.
Destination...Questa and Red River
Vannie just heard this word on "CBS Sunday Morning".
It is referring to folks that are still "rockin' it"!!!

This is Us!!!