Well, it's about time V and D came back to the real world and remembered me. They have been flittin' around the country and left me out in this heat with that dang blue Katrina hair net on. They returned August 1 and things have not slowed down since. They are on a roll.
First... they thought they were going to rent their house and move into me...with only 3 weeks to get me ready. The stove and pottie do not work. Vannie said that she didn't give a hoot about the stove, but the pottie...well, that is another story. The "bottom" line is...it's got to work! Having only 3 weeks just was not going to cut it. My facelift will take longer than that.
Second... they got a new realtor (Melanie Poehler with Keller Williams). She is dinomite! She is cool, calm, and collected...but ready to get the show on the road. Thursday, August 11, she showed it to a lady that seemed to "be the one". She loved the house on first sight. She made an offer. Now we are waiting on the inspectors, appraisers, etc....
Third...V and D are cleaning out...giving away...selling...friends, relatives, strangers...just trying to get rid of stuff. They close on September 12, if all goes as planned.
Fourth...I'm still sittin' around with that hair net on...still need a facelift. David's friend, Chester, knew just the man. He came out for a visit yesterday. I loved him. He is kind of old, but so am I. We hit it off from the start. David is going to pull me out to the man's house near Youngsville and he is going to make me beautiful. He said David could come out and help him...then he would know all my in's and out's.
Oh, I almost forgot. D and V bought a truck to pull me wherever I want to go. Yipee! It is a Ford F150...love it! My new BFF!
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