Cutest Bunnies Ever!
A pair of pink pants makes a great hat in a pinch
Luvin' Gypsy
This girl gets around!
Wait!!! Somebody get her!
Well, she did not fall out the door. She did not get a carton of milk dropped on her. She didn't get stepped on...but I thought for sure all of those things were going to happen. Emilie, Vincent, and Madeline came for a visit to my Hillsboro spot Thursday night. They slept over and headed back to Austin Friday after lunch. Emilie wanted to check out where Vannie and Dave had bought property. Was this place for real? Was it a bunch of pot smoking hippies? Was it a commune where everyone let their hair grow, and everyone was always saying "Peace, Brother?" She found out it was none of those things. It's just a regular gated community where everyone owns an Airstream. That makes it very special and unique.
Vincent loved seeing his new sandbox T-Pop put together for him.....and the girls got to do some shopping at the outlet mall just up the street.
And I was happy as a "dead pig in the sunshine" (Madge saying)!
And all of this is just two hours north of Austin!
Happy Easter Everyone!
"He is risen!"