Monday, January 6, 2014


1...Whiteside's Store

2...Ms. Ozzie's House

3.  Tubbs' House (I think Ruth Glover lived in this house before the Tubbs')

4...Tabitha McGee's House

5...Audrey House

6...Vacant Lot behind Vannie's House (white house on left is Cagle House)
7...Platt Garage Apt. (across from Thaxton House)

8...Donald Lindsay House

9...Miller House

10...Dr. Lawrence Sr. House (I think the Patton's live here now.)

11...Garland/Reeder House

12...Ferguson House (V and D's first apt. Rented from Doyle Ferguson)
13...Colvin House

14...Ms. Chi Chi's House

15...First Baptist Church (V and D got married here)

16...Bernice Water Tower

17...Old Mayor's Office (Vannie worked here during high school.  Her daddy was the mayor.  This is where Amy Pesnell (V's niece) came by to visit Vannie and pulled the fire alarm by mistake.  Lots of action...volunteer firemen all over the place!!!

18...Old Jail
19...Steps between Harris' 5 & 10 Cent Store and the Royal Movie Theatre

20...Old Bank (Now Mayor's Office)
21...Top of Hick's Store (Old Masonic Building)

22...Side of old seats out of the Royal movie front of flea market on main street

23...Barber Pole from McIntosh's Barber Shop
24...Front window and Door from Dr. Wick's Dentist Office

26...Lindsay Office (Across from the Clinic)

27...Ruth Glover's House (Ruth was the head of the cafeteria when V wan in high school)

28...Sprinkler Alarm on one of the old warehouses

29...Window in the Clubhouse (V and D and me were right around the corner in the back)
30...McDonald House (Mac was a banker and Louise was the home ec. teacher at BHS)

31...Baldwin House (The Baldwin's were the postmasters)

32...Star on the Water Tower in the Middle of Town
This has been so much fun!!!  I have had the most "hits" on my blog than ever before.  I don't think anyone got them all correct, but...just saying...any of you can come for a sleepover any time you would like.  My door is always open, and I LOVE company!

We are all in Rayne, LA, as we speak, at an International Airstream Business Rally.  Lots of good food down here, so come on down, cher! 


HAPPY 2014

1 comment:

  1. This is so wonderful! Thank you for these pictures that take me right there!
