Friday, July 17, 2015


Gypsy Rhapsody
A Tent?
I would have never believed this could happen in my lifetime.
Vannie and Dave have completely lost it.
First of all, they decided to go to the
Airstream International Rally in Farmington, NM...
...without me.
Yes, that's right...they went to an Airstream Rally
without their Airstream...
...and they slept in a tent.
I think the high altitude is getting to them.
They are just not thinking straight.
They had all kinds of excuses...
...they could only get 2 days off work.
...would cost too must to pull me over to Farmington.
...they had bought this "tent" at a garage sale, and they wanted to try it out.
...and there were more, but I don't feel like wasting my time by listing them all.'s what happened without me.
Looks like it went pretty well, but I'm still a little peeved.
Looks like me...smells like me...feels like me...sounds like me...
But...none of these are me...because V and D decided not to take me.
It might be a long time before I get over this.
V and D met up with their friends, Mary Lou and Bob Doster.
They had hooked up with these guys at the International Rally
2 years ago.  Fun Times.
As soon as the sun went down...

...the VAC (Vintage Airstream Club) put on a movie
and broke out the popcorn. 
Such an appropriate movie...The Long Long Trailer with
Lucy and Desi Arnez.
Vannie said if you haven't seen it, put it on your bucket list.
(Just on a side note...the only way V and D can participate in VAC
is because of me...and I wasn't there.)
I'm trying to be a big girl about this.!!!!

I don't see any Airstreams here.
Well, it looks like Vannie and Dave went on a field trip.
The Rally organized a group to go to Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado.
They had never been there, so this was a perfect opportunity to
have a private guided tour...late in the afternoon when it was nice and cool.
Here goes their adventure.


and Down...

...and up, again...
Everyone is starting to look a little confused.
Obviously no one told them the process of getting
to cliff dwellings and seeing them up close and personal.
Dave said their guide was awesome.
She not only looked like the artist, Georgia O'Keeffe,
but she lived in Abiquiu...the home of Ms. O'Keeffe.

About 1200AD the Ancestral Pueblo people began to build
their villages beneath the overhanging cliffs.  They used
blocks made from sandstone with mortar made from
dirt and water.

Some 60 to 90 people could have lived here at one time.
Dave takes a peek...

...then Vannie looks inside.

Guess this was the big excitement...
Not to clear...but, apparently, there were some hieroglyphs
that were a must-see. 
Dave said that this is a kiva.  These were probably used for
religious and social purposes.  The kiva would have a roof
with a hole in the center with a ladder to enter by. Almost
every village had one or more.
I hope you enjoyed the history lesson.
I have to admit...this is an amazing site to see.
(Just wish I had been invited.)
Time to head back to Questa.
With all the rain, everything is so green.

Beautiful Countryside
Getting closer
I'm still here.
Very happy to see my people.
The tent has been put away...
the sleeping bags rolled up...
the air mattresses deflated...
Life is good.!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Gypsy Rhapsody
Who said patriotism is dead?
Not in Red River,NM
When Vannie and Dave left me on the morning of July 4th,
they were soooo pumped.
They were dressed from head to toe in
red...white...and blue.
When they arrived at work (Caribel Condos),
they were greeted in the office with a
huge box of decorations in the colors of the day...
red...white...and blue.
The maintenance man (Barry) had discovered the box
in the attic.  He volunteered to man the office while
V and D represented the Caribel in the
Red River 4th of July Parade.
What comes first?
The truck or the parade...
Well, my BFF (Ford is faithful to haul me wherever
V and D want to go.), was first on the "decorating"
agenda...the parade was to follow. sure does clean up well...
Who is that on top?  Sure hope it is not Dave.
Thank goodness...
It's good ole Uncle Sam.
Howdy, Uncle...
Hold on tight...It's going to be a long ride.
Oh my goodness...
 V and D have kidnapped 3 kids and a mom to
help throw out candy and beads.
V said these kind folks "volunteered" for the job.
When the kids heard that throwing candy was one of
their duties, they couldn't wait to sign up.
Vannie said she recognized that crazed candy look immediately.
Grandkids, Cooper, Vincent, and Maddie, have all
had it at one time or another.
Time to line up

Let the fun begin.!!!


Lordy mercy...
If these pictures didn't have the mountains in the background,
this could be Lafayette, LA.
V and D have had lots of experience
with throwing beads...catching beads...etc.
during Mardi Gras.
...and last, but not least...
the horses...for obvious reasons.
The end of a perfect 4th of July, 2015...
Yes, Patriotism is alive and well here in the mountains.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Gypsy Rhapsody
48 years
Yep, Vannie and Dave have been married for
48 years today...July 1.
The wedding took place in Bernice, LA
at the First Baptist Church at around 6:30 pm.
So...I thought I would take you back to 1967
for some wedded bliss memories.
Vannie made you dress and veil.
Wedding bouquet was yellow roses with and orchid in the middle.
Vannie's brother-in-law, Ben Heard, walked her down the isle.
Bridesmaids...Dot McFarland, Emily, Davis, Linda LaFitte, Janie Burns, Nancy Colvin, Susan Heard
Maid of Honor...Ann Heard
Groomsmen...Robbie James, Jimmy Miller, Guy Cagle, Bill Colvin, Craig Henry, Mike Foster
Best Man...Roger Harris
Sign on the dotted line, please.

Vannie's mom made the wedding cake.
Vannie's sister's family
Lisa, Amy, Susan, Ann, and Ben

The parents are not looking too excited.

Getting ready for the big event
Nancy, Linda, Ann (in background), Susan, Emily, Janie

Vannie's cousin, Janet Lovelady
Serving punch
People in the background...Helga Head, Ervina Lynn, Diane Graves, Kathryn Caldwell, Cleo Colvin
1961 Ford Galaxy 500 XL
(Dave's parents car)
(Background...boy to left of V??, Freddie Land, Judy Harris, Cindy Davidson (peeking out from behind girl in cream dress), Jane ? , Amelia Lyles

...and off they go...
... heading to Biloxi, MS on their honeymoon...
...and I can say, for sure...
they have not stopped yet.!!!!