Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Gypsy Rhapsody
Who said patriotism is dead?
Not in Red River,NM
When Vannie and Dave left me on the morning of July 4th,
they were soooo pumped.
They were dressed from head to toe in
red...white...and blue.
When they arrived at work (Caribel Condos),
they were greeted in the office with a
huge box of decorations in the colors of the day...
red...white...and blue.
The maintenance man (Barry) had discovered the box
in the attic.  He volunteered to man the office while
V and D represented the Caribel in the
Red River 4th of July Parade.
What comes first?
The truck or the parade...
Well, my BFF (Ford is faithful to haul me wherever
V and D want to go.), was first on the "decorating"
agenda...the parade was to follow. sure does clean up well...
Who is that on top?  Sure hope it is not Dave.
Thank goodness...
It's good ole Uncle Sam.
Howdy, Uncle...
Hold on tight...It's going to be a long ride.
Oh my goodness...
 V and D have kidnapped 3 kids and a mom to
help throw out candy and beads.
V said these kind folks "volunteered" for the job.
When the kids heard that throwing candy was one of
their duties, they couldn't wait to sign up.
Vannie said she recognized that crazed candy look immediately.
Grandkids, Cooper, Vincent, and Maddie, have all
had it at one time or another.
Time to line up

Let the fun begin.!!!


Lordy mercy...
If these pictures didn't have the mountains in the background,
this could be Lafayette, LA.
V and D have had lots of experience
with throwing beads...catching beads...etc.
during Mardi Gras.
...and last, but not least...
the horses...for obvious reasons.
The end of a perfect 4th of July, 2015...
Yes, Patriotism is alive and well here in the mountains.


  1. What a fun event!!! Thanks for sharing your July 4 story from Red River, NM.

  2. We saw the parade while in Seward, AK. NO horses---must be too cold up there!
