Thursday, October 22, 2015


Gypsy Rhapsody
To a lawyer... its all about justice.
To a fat person.. oops, overweight...oops, big's all about pounds.
To a's all about do, re, mi.
All of the "scales" entered into my mind on an adventure to get me registered in Texas.

Since Vannie and Dave adopted me, I have been registered in Louisiana

...and it is still hard for me to say I am a Texan...but it's true.  V and D have Texas driver's license and a Texas address, so it was past time for me to become a Texas, too. 
It started out as a great morning.  Not a cloud in the sky...the birds were singing...and I was excited about being hitched up to my BFF (Ford 150) to go on this mini journey.  I was trying very hard  to be excited about becoming a Texan, too.
We headed over the I35 bridge by Love's Truck Stop...
down past Golden Chicken (smelled yummy)...
up around the courthouse square...
and on down to Hillsboro Radiator to be inspected.
The guys at the Hillsboro Radiator were so nice. 
They were so gentle during the inspection process...
no tickling, or pinching, or poking...and I passed with flying colors.

Dave and Vannie had to take the inspection papers to the courthouse to complete the final registration process.  There was no place for us to park around the courthouse with my "big self", so Dave went down to the First Methodist Church and parked in their parking lot.  Vannie and I had a little girl time while Dave walked back to the courthouse to finish up.  In just about 15 minutes we saw him coming back.  He had that look that things were not right.  Something was amiss.  When he got back into the truck, he said, "Well, Ole Girl, we've got to go get you weighed."  Vannie said,"What? Weighed!!! Where is there a scale big enough to weigh Gypsy?...and Why?"  Dave explained that the lady at the courthouse said to complete the registration, they had to have the official weight of the airstream.
I don't EVER remember getting weighed.  I hear Vannie talking about it all the time.  She is a Weight Watcher's member from way back she is always weighing herself, weighing food, and going to meetings.  Now, I was getting nervous. 
We headed to Love's Truck Stop.  It is always so busy there.  BIG trucks everywhere...coming in and out...getting gas...weighing.   I was kicking and screaming as we were going to Love's.  I didn't want to be weighed.  It was going to be embarrassing.  Vannie said she was sure it would be always was at Weight Watchers.  But this was a much bigger deal than Weight me.
Vannie said, "It's all the same, Gypsy."
OK...we got to Love's and Dave carefully drove around the back where the BIG scales were located. 
 Dave pulled me up on the scales.  The directions said that there would be a printout inside with all the information.  Whew!  No neon sign...No loud speaker.!  I just knew it was going to be broadcast on the loudspeaker..."FAT OVERWEIGHT AIRSTEAM ON THE SCALES".  I think I am going to ask Vannie to write a letter to Love's, and tell them what a nice "weigh-in" experience I had.
And, guess what...I was within my goal weight.  Vannie and Dave were so proud of me.  I guess I've stuck to my plan and stayed within my points (Weight Watcher term). 
So, I am not overweight as all...I'm just right...

I'm singing praises to the top of my lungs.
Thank you, Jesus and Hallelujah.!!!
Sure wish I could go eat a hot fudge sundae.!!!
Where's the justice in all this?


Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Gypsy Rhapsody
Yep, that title says it all...
"sticky fingers...tangled hair".
Our weekend with Vincent and Madeline
was filled with those 2 things and more.
Maybe the title should have been...
"messy fingers, hair gone wild."
Either would have worked.
Vannie and Dave's Austin grandkids came to Hillsboro
for a whole weekend...Friday evening to
Sunday afternoon.
V and D made SURE that they
had plenty of stuff planned to keep
a 3 year old and a 6 year old
What's with the first stop always being Walmart!!!
Those bags were filled with toys...trucks and Shopkins...
(Shopkins?...goodness, goodness, goodness...teeny tiny
little girl stuff...what will they think of next?)
Before the weekend was over, I had a teeny tiny little
plastic cookie or a teeny tiny little hairbrush or a teeny tiny little mixer
stuck in all the wrong places.

...and was actually a little chilly.
T-Pop thought it would to everyone's advantage to have a planning session
for the weekend.  He conducted the meeting, but I'm not too sure
his employees were always in agreement.  Hee Hee
They did seem to be listening...for a nano second.
Supper Time...and the livin' is easy.
Everyone is getting in on the action.
Mummy Hot Dogs on the menu...

Time to dig in...and they did.!!!
6:00 am...I'm not used to getting up this easy.
It is still dark outside.
V and D didn't tell me this was part of the deal.
Ghost Pancakes on the breakfast menu...
Chocolate chip eyes...
before you could say "Jack Robinson"...those sticky fingers
were grabbing for more eyes...
While their energy was at it's peak...V and D headed
over to Whitney, TX to  Pioneer Days.
There were plant sales, book sales, wine-tasting,
arts/crafts, health and fitness exhibits, food booths.
Did Vincent and Maddie want to see any of those...or
leisurely  walk around and enjoy each and every booth?

Straight to the Carnival rides they went.
Did not pass go or collect $200...
Although, two hundred dollars would have helped.

Vincent looks like he is glowing.
That outfit and that horse...beautiful.

Is that T-Pop?  Hold on tight, Maddie.


Now, that kid is having a blast.!!!

$5...3 darts...popped 3 balloons...
prize...a 25 cent penquin...but worth a million.!!!

Nothing like a good old fashion sword fight
between a brother and a sister after lunch.
Want to bet someone was crying right after this picture.
Check this HOT airstream out.
Dave said she was parked at the Carnival.
Love that paint job.!!!
After naps back in me, they were ready to roll again.
On to the park in Hillsboro...
Picnic Time

Featuring Spider Sandwiches


T-Pop loved his...
After supper at the park...T-Pop reclined while
everyone else ran and jumped and chased and climbed...
all part of the plan before heading back to me
and baths and bed. worked.
Watching The Lion King with droopy eyes...
Good start to a peaceful Sunday morning...
T-Pop on the piano...Vincent and Maddie quietly playing.
Look closely, because it didn't last long.

Sweatshirts on Friday
and sidewalk art in our undies on Sunday...
Yep, we are back in Texas.
Miracles never cease.!!!
Vannie and Dave got the little buggers to church...
and it was communion Sunday.
They were perfect little children...
until Maddie stuck her tongue down in the
communion cup to get the last little drops of grape juice.
Vannie said it did give the pastor a chuckle.   
Sunday dinner dessert
Ghostly Brownies
(I think Vannie used the heck out of Pinerest this weekend.)
Last but not least...
the old "paint the feet" project...
I was screaming...No...No...
but did anyone listen to me. 
I could just see little white footprints everywhere.
But...Vannie had it all under control...
Nobody moved a muscle until those feet were spic and span.
What a weekend...
...all in the lives of precious children.
Was it worth being dead-dog tired...muscles sore...
sticky fingers...tangled hair...
You betcha.!!!