Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Minuet in G
(a 1979 Argosy made by Airstream that loves art that expresses...)

Field Trip Time for Vannie and Dave
Blanton Museum of Art
Austin, TX
Form into Spirit: Ellsworth Kelly's Austin

Ellsworth Kelly 
American painter, sculptor, and printmaker
Hard-edge painting
Color Field painting

Vannie loves putting me in various settings.
I think Mr. Kelly would have gotten a kick out of this.

Vannie said the exhibit was wonderful.
This is one that her 4th graders would have loved.
Ellsworth was fascinated with colors, shapes, and how
they interacted with each other.  Simplicity was always in the forefront. 

Quote from Mr. Kelly
"My work is all about perception.  
Since I was a kid, I've always played games with my eyes."

Many of his paintings consisted of a single color, and
some canvases were irregular shapes.

Stripes were a big deal, too.

Spectrum VI
Sold for $5.2 million
This piece was actually made up of 13 different panels
each painted a different color.
According to Mr. Kelly, each panel is its own person and has its own identity.

In the early 70's and into the 80's, EK began working on large-scale sculptures.
He concentrated on absolute simplicity and form.

Mother and Child

If you thought his museum pieces were awesome, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Ellsworth Kelly gifted the design of his only freestanding structure conceived by him
to the Blanton Museum in 2015.  
$23 million was raised to create an actual building from his plans.
The building was named Austin after the city of its creation.
Austin opened to the public on February 18, 2018.

Austin is a 2,715-square-foot stone building with 
colored glass windows, a totem wood sculpture,
and 14 black and white marble panels.

A simple crosslike design
Exterior...Limestone from Spain

Dave said that when he walked in, he felt like he was inside a kaleidoscope.
The starkness was mesmerizing.
The colors were hypnotizing.  

Depending on the time of day, the colors will bewitch their audience
with impromptu dances on the walls, floors and ceilings.   
The black and white marble panels are entitled "Stations of the Cross".

A EK totem greets each visitor as they enter. 

On the west end are long thin rectangles set in a circle to form a starburst.

Kelly creates true color wheels.

"Tumbling Squares"
This design was created after seeing
a beautiful rose window in a cathedral in France.

In the early 1950's, Kelly visited Chartres Cathedral in France.
He was fascinated by the North Rose Window.
The "tumbling squares" seemed so modern for the
13th century, when the window was created.
 They appeared to move because of their energized geometry.
At Chartres the squares are inserted into a more intricate design.  
Kelly pulled them out and adapted them to his own style.

The view of the city of Austin from the front door of Austin.

"I hope visitors will experience Austin as a place of calm and light."
Ellsworth Kelly

With a city as busy as Austin, this exhibit is a place that needs to be returned to often
to regain that calmness and lightness that is needed for each and everyone of us.

"Go there and rest your eyes, rest your mind, enjoy it."
Ellsworth Kelly

V and D wish all of you a blessed Easter.

"Sing to the Lord 
all the earth...
Proclaim His salvation."
1 Chronicles 16:23

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Minuet in G
(a 1979 Argosy made by Airstream enjoying springtime in Austin, TX)

This past week was sprngbreak in Austin.
Maddie and Vincent were scheduled for several camps,
but had to be picked up at odd hours.
Vannie and T-Pop were the "Uber" Grandparents
for the week.  
Just want to share a few things we all enjoyed.

I know...I know...
This is not Austin, but Vannie
has a new site that she can put me
anywhere she wants to...
so why not a Van Gogh painting.

"Girl's Just Want to Have Fun" visit
Of course, I love it when they want to come see me.
It was Evie and DeAnna's first visit.

Maddie doing her "Madge" routine.
Those genes are so strong...amazing.!!!

T-Pop is enjoying the girls, I think.!!!

"Boy's Vannie and T-Pop Together Time"
Nothing like a good round of putt-putt
at Peter Pan Putt Putt Golf Course...

Vincent and his friend, Max, had been at a
Mega Sport's Camp all morning,
but they still had plenty of energy.

T-Pop blew everyone out of the park at the end of the game.
The two "V's" tied for second place...
and Max came in last.

The boys still were tied up with sport's camp,
but Maddie's Gymnastic camp was finished.
V and D picked her up and headed to McDonald's for breakfast.

....then on to the zoo.

V, D, and M loved the big Galapagos Island turtles.
These 3 are having so much fun people-watching.
Bet they are saying some of the same things
that the people are saying about them...
"Look how big they are"...
"That one on the left has big feet"...
"I wonder what they eat"...
"Why are they staring at us"...

Lunch Time
Salad Bar from Luby's

Maddie's Art

Zoo's can wear a person out...

Over the River and Through the Woods...
Just a little spooky to me...
Actually,  V, D, V, and M were heading to
Sherwood Forest Faire near McDade, TX.
It's a renaissance festival.

Oh My Goodness...
A Fire Eater...
Is that appropriate for little kids?

Maddie and Vincent were not moving a muscle.
That guy had them in a trance.
Vannie said he juggled, told jokes, balanced on a ball,
and ate fire...all the while having the
audience in the palm of his hand.

The Merry-Go-Round is always a hit.

Dave said that when they saw the horse, Vincent was
sure Maddie wanted to ride...and she did.
He passed on the experience.

Vannie said that Vincent was a whiz at the maze.
He was finished, but after 5 minutes, still no Maddie.
The attendant let Vincent go back in to find her.
We all had a good laugh...even Maddie....
and Vincent was feeling like a super-duper big brother.

The Jousting Match
Maddie said it was almost as good as the fire-eating juggler.
Vincent said it was better.!!!

Watching the match eating greasy French fries and pineapple ice cream.

Vincent had to get up close and personal.
He couldn't take his eyes off the match.
He went crazy when one of the jousters was knocked off his horse.

A Sweet Little Wood Nymph...
Tired...Dirty Face...
but still had on her crown of flowers.

Back across the river and out through the woods...
They all agreed that they would go back next year.

Napped on the way home
and reenergied

LOL Dolls
The latest "have to have" toy for a 5 year old girl.
They, along with Maddie and Vincent,
slept over in me.
Love love Love

Maddie's practicing her writing...

...and Vincent is quietly reading a book.
Look at these 2 pictures carefully,
because these quiet moments are few and far between.

Man Cave.!!!

Vannie said they slept till 6:00 and
wanted pancakes and bacon almost immediately.

2018 Austin Spring Break is over.
I think we can all say that it was a huge success.

V and D didn't move off the sofa for the next 2 days.
Pooped...but a good pooped.!!!!