Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that is glad to be back in the gypsy lifestyle)
Good Morning...
My people (Vannie and Dave) have been making the rounds in Louisiana, Texas,
and are now coolin' their jets in New Mexico.
They picked me up on their way back from Louisiana
and left MinnieG snuggled under a friend's airstream cover in Texas.
Today I'm going to share some of their
adventures along the way and
what they have been up to since landing in NM.

Our spot at Gonzales RV is heaven-on-earth.
Shady, quiet, peaceful, relaxing...PERFECT.!!!

Do I look happy or what???

Back in Louisiana...
Grandson, Cooper, was having his 13th birthday,
plus an in-of-the-end band concert, and
his 7th grade awards ceremony.
His grandparents were all eyes and ears
and enjoyed every minute of his activities.
Getting in a big hug from the birthday boy
were his adoring parents, Ashley and Diane...
son and daughter-in-law.
Getting in a big hug from the birthday boy
were his adoring parents, Ashley and Diane...
son and daughter-in-law.

So proud of this guy...only baritone sax in the band...

New Mexico
Center for Action and Contemplation
Director...Richard Rohr
Vannie wanted to drop by while we were in Albuquerque.
They were visiting one of their besties...Loretta Norrell.
Loretta was working at the polls, but V and D
headed out on an adventure.

It was a relativity small place, but with beautiful grounds,
which included nooks for quiet moments and
a well-kept labyrinth for prayerful times.
Vannie is in a study group in Lafayette. Their next book
is by Mr. Rohr. Although he was not at the Center that day,
it was still a treat to get to experience his surroundings.

Ahhh...the Caribel...
God's little slice of heaven in Red River, NM
V and D started their summer jobs during
the Memorial Day weekend.
The sky was BLUE, the air crisp
and the temp was about 70 degrees.
Did I say "heaven"????

There was bikers and more bikers for the weekend.
The Caribel must have rented to the best of the best.
Everyone was so nice and respectful.
V and D said..."Pinch this place for real?"

St. Anthony's Catholic
Church in Questa held a
lovely Memorial Day mass.

The priests were decked out in all their finery.
Truly a beautiful service.

Our Lady of Guadeloupe
was watchful of everyone going in and out of the church.

Questa always has a huge flag display...over a 150 flags.
Each of the wars were represented.
Vannie took this pic featuring WWII
because of the bravery of her father-in-law, Caldwell Harris.
Caldwell was a tail gunner in the European Theatre
during the WWII.

No, they do not always dress alike,
but today it just happened.
They were just trying to be covered up from the sun
and white shirts are cooler.
This was the first (but not last) Questa Historical Walk.
There was a Forest Ranger from Albuqueque, a local guy,
and the walk organizer leading the way.

Every stop had a plaque telling the story of the area.
There were also questionnaires for the walkers to fill
out if they had any additional ideas that could be added to the walk.
Vannie said she had one or two ideas
that might be added.

The church was one of the stops.
Everyone got to go inside and hear the
amazing story of the people of Questa
literally rebuilting this church practically
from scratch. Dave said it was rebuilt
with mostly volunteers.

Red Hot Poker Plant (Kniphofia or tritoma)
Native of Africa
Attracts bees and hummingbirds
Grows while in hot dry areas
These beautiful plants were thriving in large pots in
front of the church.
Everyone is praying for rain, but these guys
are happy as larks.

Come on, Dave...Breathe...Breathe
D said it was getting a wee bit hot going up this hill. in maybe 80 degrees...
Gotta toughen up, old guy.

The walk actually crossed hwy 522.

Here's Vannie back at the beginning.
She said there were about 50 people that participated...
coming from Albuquerque, Taos, Red River, and,
of course, Questa.

The Birthday Girl enjoying a yummy treat
at Gutiz in Taos. V said she loved those
red umbrellas on the patio of the restaurant...
they made everyone have a warm glow.
Of course, Taos makes that happen no matter where you are.

Gutiz is a Latin-French cuisine.
V and D said the chocolate croissants were as good as the ones in Paris.

Another birthday stop...Millicent Rogers Museums in Taos.
This is an old photo of Millicent hand dying fabric.
She was quite a lady. The museum was established in 1956.
It is filled with Taos Pueblo art, Hispanic art, photographs and much more.
V and D said that they can visit this museum over and over
again and see things that had been missed on their previous visit.

You can actually see this original watercolor
in the photograph above.

Vannie said that Millicent was ga-ga over Native American jewelry.
Her collection has to be one of the biggest in the world.

The pottery...a huge collection by Maria Martinez,
famed Native American artist...
internationally known for her pottery.

A Wonderful Religious Icon

Dave is enjoying the photographic exhibit
of Adobe Churches in the area.

I think Vannie could hang herself on the wall.
Her dress looks like one of the woven rugs.

Ahhh...Vannie's birthday cake from Baskin Robbins...
A gift from her landlady, Gloria Gonzalez
Dave said, "Can I have seconds?"

Who are these people???
New Mexico Gothic

The real American Gothic
There are similarities, for sure.

Back down the mountain to my spot in Questa.
Can you see me smiling?

This New Mexico lighting makes me look FAB...
if I do say so myself.
Adios till next time.!!!
YOU GUYS! are living the life!! Good for you!
PS--LOVE that pottery!