Gypsy Rhapsody
Vannie and Dave traveled (sans me) to Louisiana
for their 55th high school reunions.
55 years since they graduated from high school.
Vannie from Bernice High School, Bernice, Louisiana
31 in her graduating class...
31 in her graduating class...
Dave from Farmerville High school, Farmerville, Louisiana
66 in his...
(Dave did attend Bernice Elementary School until the 2nd grade.)
The schools were both in Union Parish...only 16 miles apart.
The festivities began in Bernice at Gonzales' Restaurant with
the BHS class of '64 celebrating with a delicious Mexican meal.
Those present were excited to see each other.
There were some party-crashers from other grades,
but Vannie said that just made for more laughs.
That evening Vannie and Dave headed to Farmerville
for the first of the FHS festivities.
It was held had the lovely home of Stanley and Judy Reed.
Lots of folks...lots of food...lots of fun.
The next day the BHS crew met at the home of Martha and Ronnie Vail
in Ruston, LA. What a treat.!!! Martha was in the class of '67,, but
she had been adopted by the 1964ers. Who knows how Ronnie got
invited??? Well, he is married to Martha...soooo.
That evening the FHS bunch met at the beautiful home of Don and Giai Byrnes.
Vannie is so sorry she got very few pics of the FHS
parties. They were not really her "people", so "oops".
Some of us were recognizable. and some were on shaky ground.
THEN and NOW you can decide...recognizable or shaky???

Vannie and Dave


Bill and Janie

Cal and Joyce

Jimmy and Judy

William and Pam

John and Magdi

Suzanne and Johnette

Jean and Jim

Martha Jean and Ronnie

Margeann, Bill, Judy, Jimmy


Jo Tatum...with Barbara, Pat, Cathy

Minor and Lana


The BHS crowd on the second day...
Cal, Bill, Janie, Vannie, Dave, Julia, John
The following is the some of the Farmerville High School Friends....THEN

Well, we are not getting any younger, for sure.
But we still know how to have a good time.

66 in his...
(Dave did attend Bernice Elementary School until the 2nd grade.)
The schools were both in Union Parish...only 16 miles apart.
The festivities began in Bernice at Gonzales' Restaurant with
the BHS class of '64 celebrating with a delicious Mexican meal.
Those present were excited to see each other.
There were some party-crashers from other grades,
but Vannie said that just made for more laughs.
That evening Vannie and Dave headed to Farmerville
for the first of the FHS festivities.
It was held had the lovely home of Stanley and Judy Reed.
Lots of folks...lots of food...lots of fun.
The next day the BHS crew met at the home of Martha and Ronnie Vail
in Ruston, LA. What a treat.!!! Martha was in the class of '67,, but
she had been adopted by the 1964ers. Who knows how Ronnie got
invited??? Well, he is married to Martha...soooo.
That evening the FHS bunch met at the beautiful home of Don and Giai Byrnes.
Vannie is so sorry she got very few pics of the FHS
parties. They were not really her "people", so "oops".
Some of us were recognizable. and some were on shaky ground.
THEN and NOW you can decide...recognizable or shaky???

Vannie and Dave


Bill and Janie

Cal and Joyce

Jimmy and Judy

William and Pam

John and Magdi

Suzanne and Johnette

Jean and Jim

Martha Jean and Ronnie

Margeann, Bill, Judy, Jimmy


Jo Tatum...with Barbara, Pat, Cathy

Minor and Lana


The BHS crowd on the second day...
Cal, Bill, Janie, Vannie, Dave, Julia, John
The following is the some of the Farmerville High School Friends....THEN

Well, we are not getting any younger, for sure.
But we still know how to have a good time.

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