Thursday, September 30, 2021



( 1977 Airstream that is always ready to move on)

New Mexico...we love you!

What a great summer...

cool, beautiful, mountain air, friends...

If you haven't visited Vannie and Dave

during the summer...

put it on your bucket list for 2022.

It's always a delight for these folks to look us up when they get close by.
Judy and Fred Hazen from Lakeway, Texas
Fred is a history buff...he loves every morsel of history
that he is able to absorb...and Judy is right there with him.
She enjoys the traveling, art, and keeping up with Fred.
They are a team!!!

We cooked up a mess of rainbow trout and chowed down.


Our next group actually stayed at our campground.

Dan Jowers on the computer from Georgetown, TX

and David Dacklin from Oregon.

Dave, Dan, and David D. love karaoke. Dan is looking up songs,

and they are all singing to the top of their lungs.  Well,

it looks like Dave is the only one really singing. Dan was 

concentrating and David D. was acting silly.

We had a big fish fry with these folks, too.

Non singers...Gloria Gonzales and Sunnie Dae Dacklin...

...and Dorothy Jowers are enjoying listening...

Vannie and I are in that group, also. 

The sun starts to go down...

...and the marshmellows, gram crackers, and chocolate

come out of the woodwork.

Sticky, gooey, decadent, and delicious 

Every Saturday in Questa there is an Arts & Crafts Market.

Vannie works in the Questa News Booth signing up people for 

the Questa News, a monthly newspaper.

She is the subscription manager of the paper.

Check it out

If you think you might like the email edition,

let her know.  It's free and only once a month.

The Questa Honey Bee
On my goodness...Vannie, along with some of her buddies,
were Bee's at Broadmoor Elementary in Lafayette, LA
back in the day.  Lots of fun, for sure.
Vannie says that the Honey Bee's honey is to die for.

Questa has a lively Buddhist colony.
Today when V & D went by with one of their "tour groups",
lots of folks were sprucing up the place.
Questa has the most helpful people in the universe.
A community of people helping people.  

Cerro Family Farm
Cerro is a tiny community north of Questa.
The Family Farm is the place to buy organic fruit and vegetables.
The BEST.!!!

Oh my goodness...they have a flower garden that is color and scent.
They sell beautiful bouquets for all occasions.

On V and D's last day to work at the Caribel in Red River,
they were visited by this wonderful hummingbird moth.
It was a photo hog, too.  It would pause as if it knew Vannie was 
going to take it's picture.

Coming down the mountain after work for the last time in 2021.

They took the frogs over to Gloria's yard.
She will be good to them for the rest of the season.

They headed down the road... a setting sun...

...and waved good-bye New Mexico...
see ya in 2022.

Vannie and Dave stopped over for a couple of days
at NTAC in Hillsboro, TX to switch trailers.
Minnie G will head out with them,
and I'll hang here in Texas for a while.

Next destination...
Sugar Creek, Ohio
Swiss Cheese Festival Airstream Rally

In fact, they are already there...
I just had to play catch-up on my blog.


  1. Love you guys & your nomad spirit!❤️

  2. Thanks, Loralu...always headed down the road somewhere...sometimes clueless...Nomadland (loved the book. movie good, too, but not not as much as the book)
