Vannie said it was almost impossible
to differentiate which boat belonged to which child.
BUT...Maddie's came in 3rd in her group,
so she was allowed to race again.
Alas...her boat did not win...
but a winner to V and D, for sure.
Go Carts
When you can FINALLY go by yourself!!!!
Vincent loving it!
(check out that scenery...
that's part of the RR ski slope)
Dave said he didn't know who had the most fun
in this girl's-only team.
Emilie or Maddie???
Always a good first hike of the season...
Hiking up to the Questa Cemetery
It's not to long or short...
or to steep or to gentle...
or to hot or to cold...
"It's Just Right" (said Goldilocks to the 3 Bears)
Maddie and Vannie...all smiles
Vincent and Vannie
heading back down.
Girl's Sleepover
Maddie said that this was supposed to
make everyone look younger
and more beautiful.
All 3 said, "It really works."
OK...I'll take your word for it.
Dave and Roy said, "It really does."
(No fool in that group.)
Vincent had no comment...probably wise.
Hmmm...I think Maddie was right!!!
The Princess tucked in for a sound sleep.
Red River Rope CourseMaddie and her friend are geared up and ready to climb!!!
Where is the rest of the crew???
Vannie said they all bailed out....Cluck, Cluck!!!
Yep...that's Maddie...on the last leg of the course!
What a risk-taker!!!
White Water Rafting on the Rio Grande River

Vincent and Maddie ready to fight the rapids.
You'll notice there is no V or D in sight.
That's because they said..."Been there, done that."
The old folks have spoken.
Emilie, Roy, Vincent, and Maddie had a great time.
Caribel Condos
Vincent just caught supper.
Rainbow Trout ...YUM!
Maddie has the "form"!!!
🎝The Parties Over🎜
The Texas Crew headed back to Texas,
but small mementos remained behind to remind
V and D of all the good times.
Painted Rocks
Wooden Boats
National Ketch-Up Day has been a huge success!
Ketch-Up Day II coming soon.
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