Minuet in G (MinnieG)
(a 1979 Argosy made by Airstream that loves making memories)
May was filled with "making memories".
The Beach
Acadian Park in Lafayette
Grandson's, Cooper's Graduation
Back to Texas
Sea Rim State Park
Talk about a blast from the past!!!
Vannie and Dave brought Ashley and Emilie to Sea Rim
many many moons ago. They would camp right on the beach sometimes.
Lots of mosquitoes and fiddler crabs...but it was all fun.
A big hurricane came along one year and blew the
whole thing away, but it's back now better than ever.
Vannie and Dave decided on the spur of the moment
to stay a couple of nights here on their way to Louisiana.
We all loved it!!!
No white sands like Florida, but beautiful sunsets,
relaxing waves, and lots of sea shells.
The Brown Pelican
I guess these guys are enjoying a little time in Texas.
Maybe they moved here from Louisiana...Hee Hee
Vannie is a shell seeker.
The next one is going to be perfect!
Looks like she did pretty good...
This beautiful nature walk through the marsh
was a gem among a gem.
The roseate spoonbills obviously have taken up residence.
Vannie said those pink feathers would glow in the late afternoon light.

The moon...The water...The breeze...The sound of the surf...
Soooo relaxing!!! We all hated to leave, but Louisiana was calling our names.

Acadian Park in North Lafayette.
I loved it, because it was real shady and quite.
There is a nature station in this park. Lots of school kids descended on us one morning. Wasn't so quite then...but they were all having such a great time, it made us all smile. Especially Vannie, because she remembered when she would bring her class here on field trips.
Another Nature Walk...
This one weaves its way in and out of the forest connected to the Acadian Park.
Spider Webs...and such
Just about everywhere in Lafayette has a water feature...
The Nature Walk was no exception.
Dave said this was probably a small tributary from some river or coulee.
Coulee = drainage canal

Vannie loved all the special surprises that were discovered on their walk.
These white mushrooms growing on an old log were tucked behind a green banana plant leaf. They were so white, they glistened in the early morning light.

Is that Tarzan swinging on a vine???

It's always fun when old friends can enjoy an adventure together.
Dave, Vannie, and Gordon Bilello
Speaking of old friends...Vannie loves attending her "GIFTS" book club when she is in town. Here is part of the group...Vannie, Diane Robin, Madelyn Maragos, Brenda Reamer, Gayle Weber
But this is the real reason V and D were in town in the first place...
Cooper David Harris was graduating from high school.
Number 1 Grandson

Attending the Senior Award Ceremony was so much fun.
V and D were so proud of this guy!!!

After the Awards Ceremony, V, D, and C headed all the way across town to Cooper's elementary school, Broadmoor Elementary. Broadmoor had a celebration for all the graduating seniors that attended Broadmoor. Cooper is on the far right. That's his kindergarten teacher, Kim Bourgeois, in the middle. precious!
The big night finally arrived...
Carencro High School Graduation
Cajun Dome
Lafayette, LA
Vannie was sitting next to Vincent...#2 Grandson.
He and his mom and sister had come into town from Austin for the festivities.
Vannie's FAVE
Cooper marching in...
Strong, Proud, Confident
The Future Awaits!!

Cooper was among the honor students that were seated on the stage.
He's the one right in the middle.
Cooper and his proud parents.
Diane and Ashley

His proud aunt and cousins...
Maddie, Emilie, Vincent

...and his proud grandparents...
Vannie and T-Pop

Crawfish...Why, yes, Cher!!!
First Time for Vincent...
...and Maddie.
Emilie was giving lessons...

Boudin was part of the "eats", too.
...and to cool off their tongues after the spicy crawfish,
they indulged in some fresh blackberries right off the vine at Ashley's house.
Time for us to get on the road back to Texas.
We love stopping at Martin Dies State Park near Jasper, TX.
It's beautiful and serene.