Saturday, February 23, 2013


Breaking in without a key,
Please don't hurt Vannie and Dave and Me!

There's a mouse in the house
Oh my, Oh me...My house is no place for a mouse!

Invading our space
Help...where's the mace?

Come here, you little mouse,
We don't want you in our house!!!!

Yes, that's right...there is a mouse in the house.
Or I should say...WAS a mouse in the house.

Guess it's the season!
Don't know the reason.
But there was definitely, certainly a mouse in the house!

V and D said I was too small,
To have a mouse in the house at all.

But whatever the reason,
Something had to be done,
Because this was definitely, certainly not much fun!

The mouse wanted a feast.
And he sounded like a beast.
He stomped...
And he romped.
He romped...
And he stomped.

We must get rid of this creature...
and since Vannie was a teacher...
She had an IDEA!!!
She got a wonderful, delightful idea!

Sticky traps and poison...that should do the trick...
I was thinking, just to use a big stick.

So to work we all went
and got on the scent...
of this terrible, awful mouse in the house.

We cleaned every corner and looked all around,
but this mouse in the house was never to be found.

Maybe he ran..
Maybe he jumped...
Maybe he fell into a terrible slump!

Whatever the reason...
Whatever the season...
Our mouse has fled
...and might just be dead!

So the moral of this story is as old as the hills,
When you have a mouse in the house...
Don't panic...don't flee...
And definitely, certainly don't climb a tree.

Just put on your thinking cap
and set down the rules...
And go for that mouse with all of your tools!

From my top to my bottom, I am all clean.
No mouse at all was ever seen.
But we knew he had come,
And now he has gone,
This story is over, and I'm singing a song!!!!

(Move over Dr. Seuss)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dear Gypsy...Love Madeline

Dear Gypsy,
       I want to "thank you" for being so patient for the past month, as Vannie and T-Pop left you at the RV site and came to "nanny" me.  You see, Gypsy, I'm just a little bitty thing and can't do much for myself, so I have needed them.  Their job is over at the end of this week.  I will be going to the same daycare as my big brother, Vincent.  I'm excited about that, but a little sad that I want be seeing Vannie and T-Pop every day.  They are really a hoot.  I'm sending you some pictures of things we have been doing during the day.  It will give you a little insight into what's been going on.
This little round thing is great when V and T need a little break.  I don't like to stay in it too know...a little bit goes a long way with me.

Vannie taught me all the names and places of the 50 states.  I just have one more state to put in...Texas.  I definitely know where that goes, because that's where I live.  Now, if you believe that, I have waterfront property I want to sell you in the desert.

Here I am listening to T-Pop sing my favorite song, "Zippidy-Doo-Dah".  I just love that song.  It puts me in a good mood everytime I hear it.  I'm sure T-Pop would sing it for you, too.

Sometimes I get really cranky...I know, I am so cute,
it is hard to believe,  but it happens, and when it does...T-Pop pushes me around the house in this stroller.  It calms my nerves every time.

T-Pop is showing me how to use the computer.  I've almost got it.  He keeps telling me I can't drool on it.  I don't know if I can stop that right know, teeth are coming!

OK...we went to the zoo.  I really think I am a little young to enjoy the zoo, but Vannie and T-Pop loved it.  T-Pop kept telling me to look at the goat.  I don't really know about goats  yet, but I guess I do now.  They are kind of stinky!

Vannie took me to the mall one day. "Girls just want to have fun!  Now, I could get into  We went to Baby Gap, The Children's Place, Kid's Pottery Barn, the Disney, fun, fun!  My mama likes to shop A LOT.  I guess I got that gene from her.  LOL

We were outside one day, and it was kind of cold.  I felt like a butterfly coming out of it's cocoon.

Staying on my blanket is boring...just sayin'.

Clean as a whistle!  Vannie loves to give me a bath.  She thinks it makes me sleepy, but sometimes I trick her and just stay awake on purpose.
Well, Gypsy, hope that explains a few things.  It's been great, but next week I'm going to be a big girl and go to my new school.  Everyone there will love me, because, as you can see by my the pictures, I'm pretty darn cute.  You will have T-Pop and Vannie all to yourself.  Take some advice from alot, don't talk back, and look at them like you could just eat them up...they will be putty in your hands!
See you soon,

Friday, February 1, 2013


all a boy needs...sand and bricks

ready to race
the show begins
Miss Madeline just taking everything in.  The quilt was made by Vannie's niece, Susan Heard Honeycutt.  Susan passed away several years ago, so this is a treasured item...perfect for Madeline.
Well, what do you think I am talking about?  You have probably guessed by now, if you have looked at the pictures.'s a sandbox.  Vannie and Dave's Austin grandson, Vincent, LOVES all things with trucks, hot wheels, construction vehicles, etc. So when we set up housekeeping at the Lone Star RV, we knew that at some point we would have to have a sandbox for Vincent.  He lines his cars or trucks up in a variety of patterns...all just so...never random. 

Of course, I loved the whole procedure.
....watching Dave, Emilie, and Vincent head out to Home depot for the sand and bricks.
....seeing them return and, together, create the sandbox
....watching Vincent enjoy the heck out of it.
....just having Vincent, Emilie, and Madeline sitting' around enjoying me and the beautiful day.

The whole thing kind of makes me want to wiggle my "toes" in some sand.  I think V and D are taking me to the beach in June.  Can't wait!
