Monday, August 4, 2014


Gypsy Rhapsody
Yep...Just a bunch of hodge-podge this week.  Vannie and Dave had to work a bunch at the beginning of the week, because some of the housekeepers were off playing with their grandkids.  That seems to be a valid reason to take off work...remember, V and D did the same thing when their grandkids were in town.  Turn about's fair play...!
Vannie came home with a few pics from work...Sure is a pretty place to call "work".

The ever popular ducks...They seem to always be putting on a show.

Cool mornings...Cool nights...sunshine around 10:00 am...rainy afternoons...makes for beautiful bouquets of flowers

Barry, the maintenance man at the Caribel, added some new signs with updated information.
Looks nice!

Dave and new friend, Bob Plemons
I could hear them laughing and laughing trying to figure out how to make this whirly-gig from old soda cans.  I heard Dave say..."Bob, I think we have found our million dollar project."
You think????
After a hard afternoon of working on their project, Bob and his wife, Jean, had V and D over for a fish fry.  Bob is an avid fisherman...these are rainbow trout. 

Bob was fryin' 'em up outside by his camper.
I think I see a little drool on Dave's chin.
Gosh..this is really a bunch of hodge-podge.
The Dulcimer Festival was in Red River for the weekend.
Vannie took this scene on the porch of the Community House right in the middle of town.
She said it was just a bunch of hillbillies have a good time jammin' to beat the band. 
The Sweet Song String Band
They specialize in traditional and popular music of the 19th century in America.
Their instruments include hammered dulcimers, Appalachian or lap dulcimers, piano, autoharp, mandolin, banjo, guitar, and limberjack.
David Lindsey on the hammered dulcimer...that he made himself.

Annette Lindsey on the autoharp

Karel Wheat playing "limberjack".  Dave said that was a hit.
The little guy was dancing on a board...up and down...up and down...clickety-clack...clickety-clack.
V said it reminded her of clogging or Irish dancing. 
One of V and D's favorite songs was "Gum Tree Canoe".
They tried to sing it for me when they got home, but somehow it probably wasn't the same as when The Sweet Song String Band did it.
On the Tom Big Bee River so bright I was born
In a hut made of husks of the tall yellow corn
It was there that I first met my Julah so true
And I rowed her around in the gum tree canoe
Sing row away row o'er the waters so blue
Like a feather will float in my gum tree canoe
Sing row away row o'er the waters so blue
Like a feather will float in my gum tree canoe.
...There's more...but that's all they could remember...
Guess you'll have to Google the rest.
Have a "Gum Tree Canoe" kind of week!

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