Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that "breaks for art")
Questa Studio Tours
August 19-20
Costilla Studio Tours
September 8 - 10
I love to see those smiling faces as Vannie and Dave
head out to a studio tour. They love collecting art, but,
alas, there is not much space in me or Minnie G,
they have to be very selective. That doesn't mean that
they have given up "looking". I think you will see
for yourselves what the attraction many talented people
sharing their creations...what's not to love.
Let's start with Questa...
A great write-up in the Taos News prior to the show...
OCHO (an arts and event venure, healing arts space and creativity incubator in Questa, located at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Northern New Mexico)
Several artists were exhibiting here.
You can't miss this is about a block down from the one traffic light in Questa.
Right next to Jay's Thrift Store...the place to be in Questa.
Sweet Barrie Andrews...not only a great artist,
but an awesome massage and sound healing therapist, according to Vannie.
Vannie's sciatica responds well to Barrie.
These gals were also at OHCO...
Vannie said she couldn't remember their names, but maybe...
Nina, Beverly, Betsy, or Claire..
On to the next location...
Don't you love this entrance...
park...tiptoe across board over stream...
head up path to...
...this place
WOW cool...Peggy Trigg was waiting to show V and D around her studio...
Some of Peggy's art...Vannie said it was outstanding.
More studios waiting for visitors...
Diane many pretty things
Rebecca Dennis...jewerly
Mike Ridder...Pottery

The tour started at the historic Plaza de Arriba in Costilla...
These little jewel's were created by elementary students.
Dave said that I needed to make you guess what was used in these creations.
"Out of this World"...literally.!!!
Karen Ahlgren...Beautiful Watercolors
Jewel-toned portraits of wildlife radiated brilliant colors as D and V walked into her studio.
D and V headed on down the road to the next studio...
What an adventure!!!
We all know that one can never travel too far in NM without coming to a dirt road.
Love this little cottage studio...The prayer flags and flagstone walkway
was just the added touch to the delightful entrance.
Anita McDaniel's bright smile greeted Vannie and Dave as they entered her cottage.
Anita created hand-hooked rugs, footstools and pillows
Here are a few of her stools.
On down the road...Vannie said that all studios were well marked.
Sarah Welch...Pottery
Sarah had been working overtime.
So many beautiful and creative pieces
Michael Achraud...Kumbengo Koras...RBI Drums
Musical Instruments
On a side note...Sarah and Michael are friends of Jonathan and Beth, the batik artists that V and D
took batik classes from in LaVeta, CO...small world.
This little studio is made from a caboose.
Notice Ute Mountain in the background.
Steve Waldrip...Watercolor and Oil Paintings
Caboose Studio
Matthew Gonzales...Sculptor
He was exhibiting in a studio in Jaroso, CO.
(Matthew is the nephew of V and D's boss at the Caribel, Angelique Gonzales)
Kathryn Tatum...New Media Fine Art
Vannie said these paintings are "light illuminated paintings".
The LED lights (mounted to the back stretcher bars), slowly move thru the color spectrum to interact with and expose each individual paint layer.
Up the Down Staircase
And who do they find at the top...
Jane Kircher
Fused Glass using recycled glass
Lynn Kircher...sculpture
Just a little bit of Lynn's work
The old hotel in Jaroso is the home of Lynn and Jane.
New friend, Lou McCall, displays her notecards/prints.
Lou designs new Mimbreno designs based on Mimbres Pottery.
What delightful adventures!!!
Vannie and Dave head back feasting on the beautiful scenery...
...summer yellow chamisa...various hues of blue in the mountains and sky...
A Day to Remember!!!!
Thank you New Mexico
Never a disappointment...
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