Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that got left behind)
It was a little chilly just before they left...Northern NM got their first
snow of the season. It was beautiful, especially for Texas/Louisiana folks.
After the snow,
Vannie and Dave decided to take a "wee" side trip to...
...would you believe... Yellowstone.
Yellowstone, the one in the NW corner of Wyoming.
The Yellowstone that is the national park that everyone
has on their bucket list.
Vannie and Dave said that it would be better if
they would go by themselves...leave me in Questa for a few days.
I did not like this plan, but no matter how much I whined,
they stuck to their guns and assured me it was for the best.
So...after they left, I did have some serious relaxing time.
Very quite and peaceful under the western willow trees and
the bluest sky in all of the world.
V and D did have a wonderful trip. Let me tell you about some of
the highlights of Yellowstone.
Well, first of all, V and D were greeted with this very creative
COVID-19 poster. The Total number of cases in Yellowstone was
very say the least.
13 cases and 0 deaths...
They enjoyed a brief stop at the Buffalo Bill Dam just outside Cody, WY.
It's a beautiful arch dam on the Shoshone River.
Whew...this photo makes me dizzy.
Yellowstone Mission Statement:
Preserved within Yellowstone National Park are Old Faithful and the majority of the world's geysers and hot springs. An outstanding mountain wildland with clean water and air, Yellowstone is home of the grizzly bear and wolf and free-ranging herds of bison and elk. Centuries-old sites and historic buildings that reflect the unique heritage of American's first national park are also protected. Yellowstone National Park serves as a model and inspiration for national parks throughout the world.
So...Here we go, Folks...
Hold on to your hats
...The famous Old Faithful.
"Thor she blows"...
Vannie was having a hard time with this selfie.
The excitement of the blast caused her to almost leave Dave out.
Dave...Old Faithful...You can see who won out.
This was taken on a clearer day.
They were staying in a cabin just around the corner from OF...
so they saw her explore often.
This one was taken on a hike up the mountain.
...and this one around lunchtime...
FYI...The first documentation of OF was in 1870. She is one predictable lady...erupting every 94 minutes, give or take 10 minutes. D and V didn't have to check their watches. They just saw the crowds gathering and knew she was about the blow.
1st Wildlife Sighting
A Raven
Vannie said that this "little" guy was always hanging around the breakfast area.
He looks very "healthy"...
A ranger told V and D that most of the ravens were in the wolf habitat area.
I guess this guy didn't get the memo.
Yellowstone came into being in 1872...the world's first national park.
It has a bunch of geysers, hot springs, mudpots, and steam vents.
Dave said they were literally a hot bed of explosive in volcano.
Volcanos need 3 things to activate...
natural "plumbing"
Yellowstone has all three.
There were times they could feel the heat under their feet.
No thermal socks needed in Yellowstone.
A Travertine Pot
This is created by the mix of water and limestone...
Double Bubble Toil and Trouble
Stirring the pot
Vannie said, "Look out, those 3 witches are nearby"
A Hike
So much to see...
...beautiful waterfalls...
I love this photo...
A hiker had just passed by, obviously...
This apple core was left for some tiny creature to enjoy.
Wildlife sighting #2
A Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
Enjoy that apple core, little squirrel...
I know...I are saying "Where's the wolves? Where's the bears?"
Vannie said she was thankful that the wolves and bears stayed away.
"Solitary Geyser"
...a hidden geyser just waiting to be discovered...
high on the mountain...only accessible on foot...
"Depression Geyser"
This could be named the "Texas" geyser.
That's what D and V called it.
"Heart Geyser"
One of V and D's favorites...
The blues, whites, oranges...beautiful
This one is making a in volcano.
Move away from the cone, folks.!!!!
"Goggles Geyser"
Look carefully...
"Blood Geyser"
There is a high concentration of iron oxide in the water here.
That is causing the red-orange "blood".
Halloween's upon us...spooky
"A river of blood"
Dave said, "Where are the zombies?
Wow...looks like a "blood" waterfall...
...and then this...
What happened to these trees?
Fires, Droughts, Wars, Locusts,
maybe those zombies...
Vannie asked a ranger ...
"Bobbie socks"
These dead trees have soaked up the water filled with minerals. When the water evaporates, the minerals are left behind, turning the bottom of the trees white.
Sounds like a science experiment...
Dave remembers when he did the same thing with celery stalks and colored water.
"Spouter Geyser"
V and D said Yellowstone is bubbling up all over the place.
"Rainbow Pool"
"Opalescent Pool"

"Green Spring"
I tried to upload a video.
I don't think it works.
I tried.!!!
Wildlife sighting #3
A Bison
Now, that's one big dude.!
Vannie said he was just minding his own business...all by himself.
Wildlife sighting #4
An Elk
This elk is camouflaged in the forest.
It was D and V's last sighting...still no bears or wolves.
In June a grizzly injured a lady hiking on a trail near Old Faithful.
January 12, 2020, marked the 25th anniversary since wolves returned to Yellowstone.
They inhabit most of the park, peak activity is at dawn and dusk. That explains why D and V didn't see any...
And as for the bears...they were extremely glad they didn't see any of those.
Last morning for breakfast in the Old Faithful Lodge...
Last morning to see Old Faithful erupt...
Last morning of exploring the planet Mars...oops, I mean Yellowstone.
It really is like another planet.
What a grand trip, Gypsy. I am so sorry you had to stay behind and rest. Questa is a great place for you to rest. Please tell Vannie and David I love, love all their photos of all their trips. Glad there were no wolves and no bears.