Gypsy Rhapsody
(a 1977 Airstream that is reporting all is good)
All is Good...
...and that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
I need to bring you up to date since Vannie and Dave left Yellowstone.
Bear with me,'s 2020, for goodness sake.
I think I'll go backwards...starting with today.
This year could not be more mixed-up than it already is...that's for sure.
Merry Christmas from Vannie and Dave.
They think they've been on the nice list...Fake News!!!
A surprise at the NTAC board meeting
Vannie and her friend, Sue, showed up with the same sweater.
Vannie had inherited hers from her mother-in-law, Pearl Harris.
Pearl had about 25 or more Christmas sweaters when she passed away a few years ago.
Happy Thanksgiving 2020
Vannie and Dave celebrated with Emilie and her fam in Austin.
How many cooks in the kitchen???
Looks like they have all the bases covered.
I love this pic...Emilie at the stove and Dave carving the turkey.
I think Vannie must have had her fork poised at the ready.
Here's Maddie being the "hostess with the mostest".
After dinner walk...we were all stuffed.
The newest member of the family, Prince, has something that has attracted his attention.
Happy Halloween
The Covid Twins
Granddaughter, Maddie, is in the purple...
Martin Dies, Jr. State Park ...Jasper, TX
One of V and D's favorite stops on the way to Louisiana.
As you can see, they had MinnieG in tow.
I pretty much stay in Hillsboro, except when Vannie and Dave go to New Mexico.
I'm just big and old...and in NM, I'm in one place for 4 months.
Lots of good trails...
#1 Son's birthday
Lafayette, LA
Birthday Hike with Ashley
Acadiana Nature Station
Beautiful "just right" Louisiana Day
Interesting shot of the light hitting this tree
Some past hurricane damage along the trail.
Louisiana has had some hard hits this year.
Still going backyards...
Dave's brother, Roger Harris, passed away in November.
Rog had been in poor health for some time.
The graveside service was at the Pinegrove Cemetery near Bernice, LA.
His daughter, Stephanie Welch, did a bang-up good job on the service....
from the motorcycle escort with Roger's ashes, to the service given by
a good friend, to her eulogy.
Our Fam
Dave, Emilie, Diane, Cooper, Ashley
Vannie and great great niece, Stella
After the service, we all met at Stephanie's.
It was great to spin a little bit of time with this cutie pie.
Moving right along...
Heading back from Colorado
The aspen trees were bursting out all over.
D and V burst out in song one or two times.
(Maybe it was the altitude) name it, the vegetation was
brighter than "the harvest moon, Julie Hersey".
(Quote from the play, Our Town...Dave had played the alcoholic organist in this play at the Lafayette Community Theatre...Vannie was there for every performance, so some of those lines pop up when you least expect them.)
Moab, UT
It was a cloudy day...and a little smoky,
but we were excited about seeing one more national park.
Can you guess where this park is?
1,2, got it...Arches.
Arches is just right around the corner from Canyonland, so Vannie said they whipped through both of them in the same day. Whew!!!
If you look closely, you can see the people walking through the site.
Colorado National Monument
Grand Junction, CO
Our friend, Patty Black, lives in Grand Junction.
We met Patty many years ago when she and her husband lived in Lafayette.
She went to our church (The Bayou) and taught Vannie's Sunday School.
Patty was a delightful tour guide...she was sooo good that V and D decided to stay 3 days with her. We were all safe and practiced all the safety measures.
There they are...enjoying every little ounce of the USA...
even though Vannie's shirt says...Paris. Come on, are not in France anymore.
On every turn there was another magnificent view.
On the road again...
...aspen and mountain maple...
Afton, WY
Home of the world's largest elk horn arch...
Very impressive.!!!
My goodness...Looks like God dropped a rainbow down to Earth...
What next?...
Well, you asked...
Met up with more Bayou Church friends that have moved to Wyoming.
Randy and Laura Storey. We were all in a Christmas play together...The Christmas Post.
Randy even had a copy. Lots of laughs watching our performance from so many years ago.
Randy and Laura have a spectacular view out their window.
Dave said he could have sat there on the sofa and not relaxing.
After Vannie and Dave left the Storey's, they were just riding along...
AND BAM...there they were...Majestic is hardly enough.
These photos are all in color...but as you see, it was a cloudy day...
but the Tetons never matter the weather.

They literally take your breath away.
OK, Folks...
This takes us back to Yellowstone...which I wrote about September.
If you missed it, just go back one blog...and there is it.
Here I am...all hooked up and ready to leave Questa.
We'll be back in May of 2021.
Oops...almost forgot.
Vannie is now on the staff of the Questa Del Rio News.
Subscription Manager
Her job is done virtually. Sometimes she even writes an article.
If anyone thinks they might like to receive a copy of this delightful small town newspaper, just let her know. It only comes out on the first of each month...and the email subscription is FREE.
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