Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 4, 2011...Just had to get started...The story of an old Airstream

Spiders...mice...squirrels...dust...dirt...this was all part of my life until recently.  I have been RESCUED!  My new owners, David and Vanette Harris, saw me sitting on the side of the road in Dry Prong, LA back in April of this year.  They had decided to become full time RVer's, but had to sell their house before an RV could be purchased.  Houses aren't selling very well right their dream was still that...just a dream.

But then they saw me!!!  I was looking pretty pitiful...weeds growing up around me, my tires had sunk into the ground, dirt covered me outside and inside.  But it was love at first sight!  They found the FOR SALE sign that had fallen off of my side and immediately called the number.  An offer was made and accepted, and my life changed in that instant.  I wasn't alone anymore.  I was a member of a family.  I BELONGED!

Since David and Vanette had no truck to pull me, a friend of theirs stepped up to the plate.  Their friend provided the truck and the time to do the job.  New tires were bought and put on and before you could say "Jack Robinson", my new life had started.  I was pulled down I49 to Lafayette, LA.  and have settled into my temporary home...another friend's campsite.  David and Vanette are only minutes away from me.  They are starting to clean me up, so when the house sells, I'll be ready for them to move in.  Hooray!  What fun this is going to be!

Oh...I almost name...Gypsy Rhapsody...don't you just love it!  David came up with it.  He plays the piano and loves music.  I am singing for joy.  I have so much more to tell you.  David has been working on me since I arrived in Lafayette, but this post will have to do for now. 

Just had to get started on my's going to be a doosie!


  1. Welcome Gypsy Rhapsody! What a great blog, Vanette! You guys know how to have fun! Can't wait to see the reno and hear more road stories. Jay and I were dreaming about airstreams this winter. We love the vintage look and feel. But they have great green reno potential. We saw this online and thought it was fab:
    sending love---kathryn

  2. Love the blog...what a great idea..we can all see the transformation...can't wait...

  3. Looking foreward to reading your blog about your adventures
