I know what you are saying...Gypsy on a hike...No, Vannie
and Dave left me in the campsite kicking and screaming. I really wanted to go, but they said I was
too big.
They up and left in such a hurry, Vannie forgot her tennis
shoes. She had on her
flip-flops. Not a
good hiking situation. I hollered and hollered at them as they were
leaving, but they were not listening to me. Oh well...
OK..they’re back...all sweaty and stinky...hungry as
bears. I heard them talking over
lunch and I’ll share the info with you.
Hike Location...Blunn Creek Nature Preserve, in the heart of
Austin , TX
Distance...1.5 miles
Hiking time...1 hour
Great View of St. Edward’s University
Boo-Boo alert...Dave tripped and skinned his shin..not much
McDonald’s...could see in the distance
Wildflowers...sunflowers, little blue ones, cactus
Animals...Birds, Butterflies
Rocks...collected a few...couldn’t resist
Water...just a little in the creek
Vincent...can’t wait to take him next time
How many times got lost...3...you can see Dave looking confused in one of the pics
(I've seen him confused more than once...don't tell him I said that)
Guess the flip-flops worked out...they were happy as 2 pigs
in a mess of mud when they got back.
Sounds like loads of fun