Friday, July 5, 2013


I love this sign in a shoe store window. Vannie really liked the "van-ers" part.
My special spot at the International Rally.
Can you tell I was parked in the State Fair lot?  There was still a slight odor...if you get my drift.
Friends and Relatives
Dave sang in the International Choir...Back row, third from the right.

Vannie in her Open House attire...note the lamp shade hat...

46th Wedding Anniverary...July 1
First and Second Place in the International Art Contest
Dancing the night away...Dance Band always played after the evening program.  John Landry was the band direction.  He and his wife, Yvette, are president/vice-president of the Acadiana Airstream Unit.
The peasant is a big deal here...Huron has the largest.  State of 3 states that can hunt and eat their state bird!
Dave waiting for the 4th of July parade to start.  He and Vannie marched in the Greater New Orleans Unit group...can you tell?
OO-LA-LA...Dave with Annie (from France).  She is the one that filmed us for the BBC clip.
I cannot believe I have gone “international.”  Yep, I just finished up a week at the 56th International Rally for the WBCCI.  WBCCI stands for Wally Byam Caravan Club International.  It was started in the early 50’s. There were about 400 other Airstreams with me on the state fairgrounds in Huron, SD.  I felt pumped.  I met so many nice Airstreams…some older than me and many much younger.  Some were round, some were short, some were long, some were even motor homes…but all were just as happy and friendly as a June bug in clover. 

Our vintage group paraded in to the fairgrounds all together.  Vannie was throwing Mardi Gras beads out the window all along our route.  There were some funny looks on some of the Huron residents when she flung a bead at them.  You could tell on their faces they didn’t know whether to pick it up or call the police.  We also had music from the Pineleaf Boys of Lafayette blasting from our radio.

Vannie and Dave went to meetings, completed craft projects, shopped the vendors, attended luncheons/dinners, visited with new friends, ate and made merry all week.  I enjoyed the cool SD breeze and watching the comings and goings of the Airstreams and people.  I really enjoyed the little Airstream Bambi parked close to me.  It was born in the 50’s, but had had a serious facelift.  She was so shiny that I had to put on my sunglasses to have a descent conversation with her.  She was decorated in college theme on the inside.  Her owners were Mary Lou and Bob from Arizona.  They invited us to come out for a visit. Don’t have to ask me twice.

On a Sunday afternoon, the vintage trailers had an open house for everyone.  V and D cleaned me from top to bottom.  They stuffed things in closets and under beds so that I wouldn’t look too cluttered inside.  Vannie had bought a lampshade at a garage sale in Hill City to wear.  It was so funny.  She served cookies freshed-baked from the Dollar Store.  Everyone loved me and the open house.

I saved the best to last….I am a star!  Yes, it is true.  A cute little French girl filmed several of the airstreams for a project in France.  The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) saw the clips and pick one up to showcase…and guess which clip they liked best…ME!!!  So the rest is history…I am expecting Oprah or Ellen to call any day wanting to interview me.  They better call soon, because my schedule is tight.  Just Google “BBC Airstream Rally” to catch a glimpse of me.  It’ll be worth your time.





  1. Have a save trip home, we'll be seeing you around somewhere.

  2. You guys are JUST AWESOME!!! LIVING LARGE!!!!
