Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Vannie walking across the Mississippi.
Dave doing the same in a different spot.
One hiking trail...a very nice one, I might add.
Another trail...not so nice, but adventuresome.
oops...Vannie forgot the bug spray!
Charles Lindbergh's boyhood home in Little Falls, MN
Me taking in the sights...or is it sites!  In this instance, I think it could be either.
…there was a river, and God said, “It is good”. 
As you know, Vannie, Dave, and I started our lives together in Louisiana.  That is where the Mississippi River is big and muddy.  Well, when we arrived at the Itasca State Park in Minnesota, V and D could hardly wait to hike down to the headwaters of the Mississippi…that’s where it all begins.  That song, Ol Man River, kept going over and over in my head…
Ol’ man river,
Dat ol’ man river
He mus’ know sumpin’
But don’t say nuthin’;
He jes’ keeps rollin’
He keeps on rollin’ along.
Vannie gave me a long hard look as they headed on their hike.  I really think she could hear me singing.  That little smile she gave me said it all.
When they returned, they talked about the how small the river was and how clear it was.  This was way different than the one we all know and love.  It was just a baby…a little tike…a beginning.  It wasn’t sayin’ nuthin’, but it knows a lot of sumpin’, and we are proud to know that it jes’ keeps rollin’ along. 
V and D love to hike….and this park had lots of trails.  But the mosquitoes…oh, the mosquitoes…they are terrible.  One day they left without the spray, and almost got eaten alive. 
Another cool place we visited was Charles Lindbergh’s boyhood home in Little Falls, MN.  Vannie and Dave enjoyed walking around the area.  The home wasn’t open for visitors, but Vannie said it was still neat to get to walk where Lindbergh had walked.  I could even see the house from where I was parked.  I like it when that happens.
…and God said, “It is good.”

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