Thursday, July 25, 2013


...with a root cellar
...and open windows
...and a wife
...and a hay loft
...and a wagon
...and a water pump
...and an outhouse...and cows
...and some sheep
...and some chickens
I think I would have liked to go on this adventure with Vannie and Dave.  It really looks like a cool place and one I would have enjoyed...but, alas, I would probably have had to stay in the parking lot from the look of things, so just as well I stayed put in my space in the park.  I have made so many friends here, it is going to be hard to leave.
Vannie said that this was the Oliver Kelley Farm in Elk River, MN.  It was established by Oliver Kelley around 1860.  Mr. Kelley was the founder of the first successful farming organization, the Grange.  Just a little background info...
V and D were both reminded of childhood experiences after visiting here.  Dave told me a story about his Aunt Lavada.  He and his brother would stay there while their mom and dad worked.  It was off the road on the way to Farmerville.  She had a big old house with a water pump, chickens, garden, etc.  Lots of places where little boys can roam and have fun.
Vannie reminisced about life on the farm at her Aunt Aunean's and at her Grandmother Burns'.  Both  hold special places in Vannie's memories...cows, chickens, gardens, outhouses, root cellars. The sight, sounds, smells, feelings, and tastes all came alive at the Kelly Farm in Elk Falls, MN.
Isn't it great to have such wonderful memories to fall back on!!!  It just goes to show ya that the world is not so big after all. 


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