Sunday, September 14, 2014


Gypsy Rhapsody
Well, Folks, Vannie left me with this phone.  Yes, I know what you are saying.  Gypsy, you don't know nothin' bout phones.  And you would be right...but...a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do...!!!
When I started getting these pictures on my phone, I was excited.  Vannie and Dave had another 4 days off in a row, so they headed to Rio Rancho, the home of Loretta's B and B.  I've talked about Loretta before.  She is a good friend that used to live in Lafayette.  They went to the same when Loretta moved back home to New Mexico several years ago, V and D have visited her often.  It seems to be always a bunch of fun.

When I got this picture on my phone, I knew immediately where they were.  They can't go through Rancho do Taos without stopping by San Francisco de Asis Mission Church.  Love this angle!!! I actually had my picture taken a couple of years ago by the church.  We are old friends.

Headed on down I25

They took a little different route along the Turquoise  Trail.
I kind of wondered what Dave was doing here.  What's he looking at?  V texted that this
was Cerrillos, NM.  It is an old mining town...turquoise, silver, gold.   Doesn't seem to be much left now.  I did "Google" Cerrillos and found out that a bunch of movies have been made right there on First Street.  Guess Dave was hoping for a movie crew to pass by...he could be an extra.

St. Joseph Church in Cerrillos

Next Picture I got was this one of Vannie.  Said they were now in Madrid, NM.
Madrid is a cute little artsy community. 

Lots of little shops and houses along one main street.
What in the World???
Is this who I think it is?
Breaking Bad Stars...
Skyler, Walter, Walter, Jr
Yep...Breaking Bad was filmed in Albuquerque...all of a sudden, V was sending me pictures of places from the TV show.

Oh my Goodness...the carwash that Skyler and Walter bought.

Walter's House
V, D, and Loretta had lunch at the Dog House...Another Breaking Bad hangout.
V and D have been eating healthy...somehow, I don't think this place would quality as healthy.
Vannie was texting me fast and furious...They seemed to be hitting the hot spots around town.
Albuquerque Transportation Center
Amtrak, City Buses, Etc.
Architecture is similar to a hotel that was originally on the site, the Alvarado Hotel. 

Zimmerman Library...UNM
Architect, John Gaw Meem
Pueblo Revival

Bart Prince House
Bart Prince was the architect.
When I got this picture, I wasn't sure they were still in New Mexico.
Weird...but interesting.
Seems that Mr. Prince designs his houses from the inside out.  OK???
Guess that explains everything!!!!

On the way to Acoma, Sky City
V seems to like taking pictures of roads.
Whatever floats your boat!!!

Dave, Vannie, Loretta, Vera

The Acoma Pueblo ... Acoma meaning "a place that always was"
60 miles west of Albuquerque
located 365 feet high on the top of a mesa
V said this was the ladder leading to a kiva, used for religious ceremonies.
I couldn't help but notice that stove sitting on the roof.  Just wondering what that is all about.

Dave said that the Acoma Natives are famous for their pottery.

A Dog...OK...Hope he doesn't take one more step.  Too close to edge for me.

Vannie said that there were about 300 two/three story buildings...with 30 people living permanently in the pueblo.

no electricity...water...sewage

Dinosaur Rock
Well, by George, it does look like a dinosaur.

Wait...Dave...Don't get too close.
On the way this picture from Tesuque, NM...
If I had a would be burning now.
I sure was glad to see V and D ...
but having the phone was a plus...
Made my time alone to go by faster.

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