Sunday, September 28, 2014


Gypsy Rhapsody
The Party's over.
All good things must come to an end.
Se acabo la fiesta.
Todas las cosas Deben llegar a sur fin.
No matter how many ways you say it, it's never easy.
Tomorrow we will head out into the sunset for Texas and Louisiana.
It has been a great summer...but to tell you the truth, I am ready to get on the road.
Vannie and Dave have been running all over the place, and I have been pretty much put.  Now, don't get me wrong, I've loved it...but I am ready for some different scenery.
Of course, our last days here have been busy.

V and D took a little spin to Alamosa. CO and came back through Manasa.
This is the hometown of Jack Demsy, the famous boxer.
V said it was a great little museum honoring the hometown hero. 

Gosh...a little rain had fallen. This was heading back to New Mexico from Colorado.

Berry pickin' time.
Mrs. Gonzales, our landlord, said these were champes or rosehips in English.
These bushes were full of beautiful wild roses  when we first arrived.
Now, there are little hips everywhere.  Lots of people are telling us that bears love them.
I think we are getting out of here just in time, because they are all around me. 
Bears are cute, but I really don't want to see one.
Champes make for some yummy jelly.
More berry pickin'...These are raspberries.
V and D had to go over to a little town called Mora to get these little delights.  
I love it when the friends come to see me.
Jerry Lautigar came over for a bowl of gumbo.
Remember last week I told you about meeting up with Jerry and a bunch of other Bernice folks.
The rest of the group had gone, but Jerry was still hanging Vannie thought he needed a good home cooked meal.

More friends ...
Don't they look cozy sitting there on that sofa inside me.
I'm lovein' it!!!!
Loretta...Vannie...Vicki (Loretta's cousin)

I'm with me and friends makes me feel all lovey-dovey.
As if there wasn't enough to do the last week we were here,
V and D added ballroom dance lessons.
This is them with Mark and Susan, their instructors.
Mark and Susan are from Forth Worth.

The lessons were at the Community House.
Look at Susan.
I'm hurting just looking at her.
After lessons, the class would head on down to the Mother Lode Saloon and practice.

There they are getting ready to "cut a rug.'
The rumba, the foxtrot, the waltz, and the tango 
Aspencade...Last big festival of the season
This is right downtown Red River.
Food, crafts, music, Fun...

The Aspens are bursting out all over. 

I just wish all of you reading my blog could be here to see this first hand.
Words can not describe it.
Beautiful, Magnificent, Fabulous, and on and on and on...
Good by, New Mexico
Hello, Texas and Louisiana


  1. How beautiful the aspens are!! It was so great to see Loretta. It is so much fun to take a virtual tour with Gypsy Rhapsody!!!

  2. GREAT Summer Travel Log--THANKS for sharing!
