Thursday, November 20, 2014


What to do when Madeline and Vincent come for the weekend...and the weather is awful?
Remember my little insides is nice and cozy, BUT when you add a 2 year old and a 5 year old to the mix, nice and cozy kind of goes out the window.
Vannie and Dave are experienced grandparents, so they put their heads together and "viola"...
it worked. 
...and everyone had a blast. 
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Plan #1...let them play with whatever they want.
Vincent sticks to his cars and trucks, while Maddie digs in every
possible place that is off limits.  But, like I said, "whatever they want".

Plan #2...a nice warm bath late in the evening.
Hopefully, that will relax them.
Vannie says, "Maddie, it's time for bath."
She thinks she's hiding.

Plan #3...Play dolls, no matter who you are.

Plan #4...Let them eat in bed.
Everything can be put in the washer.

Plan #5...Let them stand on the sofa.
Really not a good idea.
Maddie has already been to the ER 3 times, and she is only 2.

Plan #6...Make cookies

...and let them eat out of the bowl.

Plan # 7...a little TV right before bedtime.

Plan #8...Race cars...

Plan #9...take a trip to the Dollar Store and buy playdoh.  

Make sure it's playdoh.
V and D allowed one container of goop to be bought.
Note:  in the hair, on the bottom of shoe, and on their clothes.
I watched Vannie as she was getting it out of Maddie's hair...ouch!!!

Plan #10...borrow an enclosed golf cart from a friend. 

...and let them drive it

Plan #11...found an indoor playground..
Vannie found a place online in Waco (only 30 minutes away)
Note:  Both kids took a nice nap on the way down.

Who's in charge here?

Dave said these video games were wonderful.
The pictures changed even when no money was inserted.
Vincent thought that it was wonderful, and Maddie was more
interested with the dirt and grim underneath.

Plan #12...Playdoh in bed

Plan #13...pretend over and over again that this is the greatest corn you have EVER eaten.
OK... Folks...
The weekend was a huge success.
V and D delivered the kids back to Austin.
Their parents had a much needed restful weekend.
Just got to go with the flow! 
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
I'm staying in Hillsboro, but V and D are heading to Gulf Shores, AL.


  1. This has to be at the top of your very best blogs, Gypsy. Vannie and David love their grandchildren and it's clear to see they will do almost anything to keep those little people happy. How great if we all had V and D for grandparents!!! Tell V and D to enjoy Gulf Shores!!

  2. What GREAT grandparents!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you two!
