Tuesday, August 6, 2013


USA Border...We were feeling a little nervous.
High Falls on the Pigeon River In MN

Vannie used to teach a Turtle Unit.  She loved this mosaic on the floor of the Nature Center.
The turtle is a very special symbol in the Ojibwe Tribe.
Thimble Berries...Never heard of those...Someone on the trail told V and D that they made wonderful jelly.
Look carefully and you can see Lake Superior between those trees.
A special Nook just for V and D

…Thank the Lord…we didn’t have too much trouble getting back in to the United States.  The grime-faced guard at the border was not impressed by Vannie and Dave’s expired passport.  There was no smiling or joking around…this was serious business.  He looked inside the truck and then came back to check inside me.  I was on my best behavior.  Sure didn’t want to tick him off.  He mostly just looked in my refrigerator.  He took stuff out and put stuff back in.  Finally, he decided to confiscate that one lone lime.  Can you make a bomb with a lime?  Probably!  Well, that was that, and he said, “Go on in and remember to renew those passports.”  I was wiping the sweat from my brow, and thanking the good Lord that we didn’t have to live in Canada.  Don’t get me wrong…it’s a great place…but I’m a citizen of the US of A, and proud of it!

We stopped at a rest stop right across the border.  V and D needed a little breathing room after the border experience.  They ate lunch and visited the tourist center.  There was a beautiful nature walk leading out to the High Falls on the Pigeon River.  Their mouths were still hanging open when they got back to me.  High Falls plummets 120 feet.  It is considered the highest falls in the states.  One of the Niagara Falls is higher, but it is in Canada. There are 3 falls at Niagara.  The other 2 are in the states and are around 70-100 high.  Remember this if you are ever on Jeopardy.

We stayed overnight at Temperance State Park right on Lake Superior.  After V and D unhooked me, they headed down to the Lake with their cup of coffee, lawn chairs, and Kennels.  When I saw the pictures, I loved the special little nook that they discovered.  It was made just for them.

Heading down to Tettegouche State Park tomorrow.  V and D have some friends of some friends that they are going to try to look up.





  1. On one of our hiking trips, we were nervous about our border crossing because of some fruit (they do not want you bringing fruit back & forth). Finally one of my friends that has a worse drawl they I do and that says a lot, told the border guard about a bear sighting. He looked at her and finally broke down, I quote, "Lady those are aspirin ( BAY ER), you saw a bear!" You are correct--they take their job very serious. THANKFUL you were not getting on an airplane--you would still be sitting!

  2. That's so funny, Loralu. You are right about the airplane. We heard that they are even more serious. We are going to take care of that passport as soon as we get back to Texas.
