Vannie and Dave knew it was going to be their last weekend in Austin for a while, so they said, "Gypsy, we are going to do it right." They picked up Madeline and Vincent early Saturday morning and headed to SeaWorld in San Antonio. A couple of years ago Vincent had been with his cousin, Cooper, but had not been back since...and, of course, this would be little Madeline's first visit.
The weather was wonderful. One of those few spring-like days we have had this winter. I basked in the sunshine while they were gone and enjoyed the dog park across the street from me. I am always amazed at how many RVer's have pets...and, often, more than one.
Well, V and D thoroughly enjoyed their weekend with the grandkids. Dave almost pooped out before the last Shamu show at 5:30...and everyone knows that you can't go to SeaWorld without seeing Shamu. He rallied and loved the show as much as the kids.
Madeline and Vincent stayed overnight with me and slept like logs. The next morning they headed to McDonalds and then to church and then home...back to mama and daddy. Vannie says that is the good thing about grandkids...enjoy them...then take them home.
V and D took a nice l-o-n-g nap Sunday afternoon.
What a weekend...but it was all good...well, maybe not when Madeline spilled her whole container of milk all over her...or when T-Pop (Dave) kept wanting to go back to the truck after the 3:30 show...or when Vincent couldn't find just the right stuffed animal (V ended up ordering one from Amazon when they got back to me)...or when Vannie's right hip started hurting from so much walking (not as young as she used to be)...but all those things were canceled out when they would see those kids faces and the excitement in their it was all good.
Ready to get it going!
Madi wanted to touch one of those dolphins really bad.
Walrus show
I think Vincent was trying to make his eyes look like his horse's eyes.
Getting tired...both of them!
Madi missed the Shamu show...It was the last one, though.
The morning after!
There is just NOTHING like our sweet grands!