Debbie (New York) and Irene (Georgia) gettin' in the groove. Vannie had showed them out to fringe the bottoms of their t-shirts. You know when the t-shirt is a little too tight around the bottom...just a little fringe will solve the problem. I wonder if that would work for me...guess it's hopeless when you have a bottom like mine. lol
First Stop on our last big day...Lafayette, LA...St. John Oak...The Cathedral St. John the Evangelist...St. John's Cemetery
St. John Oak...500 years old...diameter of trunk - 9feet 2 inches...circumference - 28 feet 9 inches...height - 126 feet with a spread of 210 feet
St. John The Evangelist Cathedral
Beautiful flambeau stained glass windows
Made in Munich, Germany
Portrayed the life of St. John the Evangelist
Casavant Freres, Limitee Organ
Canadian Company
Installed 1985
Designed by Jean-Louis Caignet of Paris
Over 3000 pipes
Caravan Leaders...Judy/Larry Boudreaux
Guide to the Cathedral and Museum...Jan McKneel
In this part of the museum was the Hanley-Gueno Neapolitan Presepio. Vannie said no photos were allowed. So anyone reading about this will just have to go see it. She said it was magnificent. It is a collection of 18th century puppet-like characters made by Neapolitan craftsmen from Italy. It recreates the Nativity and what transpired in Bethlehem at the time.
St. John Cemetery
Oldest in the city
Above ground burial because of high water table
Second Stop...a Walk to downtown Lafayette
One of the many murals painted by Lafayette native, Robert Dafford
V and D with friends, Rob and Janice from Georgia
Eating lunch at Poupart's Bakery...downtown location in the old Gordon Hotel
Dave said you can't go downtown Laffy without making a stop at Bordon's Ice Cream.
Third and Last Stop...Dinner at Don's Seafood and Steakhouse...
Choices for Dinner...Seafood Platter, Broiled Fish, Steak...of course, with the yummy sides!
OMG...look at me...everyone is gone. We will be staying here for a few days just to get some rest. Larry and Judy Boudreaux were awesome caravan leaders, but V and D were on the go from sunup to sundown. And, hey, I was busy, too. Airstreams have so much news to share when they get together...especially about their owners...the gossip never stops. And there were some juicy stories, let me tell you!
SUCH a fun life!