Hi Ho, Hi Ho, and off to work they go...
Can't you just see those little dwarfs in Disney's Snow White singing and marching to work.
That's just the way Vannie and Dave leave me in the mornings. Yeah, right!
Sometimes I do hear a little whining, but they are still hanging in there.
Here's Dave filling up one of the hummingbird feeders. Yes, that is in his job description...feed the hummingbirds. Those little buggers can drink up that stuff, too. Dave says that sometimes he finds dead bees around the feeder. Poor things...just too much sugar for their little systems. Dave said that he could relate to that very situation. LOL
Ummmm...Hummingbird feeders or toilets...which would you prefer?
V and D started their day with a cup of joe at The Way Coffee Shop in Red River. They were headed to a Wild Flower Walk at the Community House. Look at what they spotted in the coffee shop. Now, that made them feel special and right at home.
Here we go a-wondering...Join our Happy Song...
And wonder they did..The Community House is in the background. It was established in the early 40's. V says that they have all kinds of activities during the summer...stuff of kids, music, worship, games, movies, etc.. The Wild Flower Hike is only about 2 miles and is right in town. Vannie is standing in front of a scrubby cinque foil. They come in just flowers along the path or in this bush form. Scrubby Cinque Foil...Makes me think of Cinque de Mayo...always a happy time!
Judy Miller was their guide for the hike. V said she was probably in her 80's. She and her husband, John, have lived in Red River for 50 years. According to her, they owned a clothing/toy/science store for ages, but are retired now. They volunteer for the Community House. They also have a snow shoeing/cross country skiing area on the outskirts of town.
I know...I know...A red glover...big deal. I thought this was an exceptionally good specimen, and it even has a little fly getting his fill. Vannie had to be quick to get that shot.
On the path along the Red River. That's the beginning of the ski lift on the left.
Wild Rose
Snow Berry
Wall Flower...Vannie said this name brought back memories of some of those high school dances..."wall flower"...Ummm!
Wild geranium
Looks like Paul Bunyan's legs
Another variety of the Wall Flower
Pussy Willow
This was the old site of Copper King Mine. They were actually finding little pieces of rock with blue and green tidbits of copper. I used to be filled with old copper pipes that were leaky and just plain pitiful...so glad those things are long gone. I feel much better without them.
Look who greeted the merry hikers upon their return to the Community House.
Now, isn't that the sweetest EVER!
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