Friday, November 9, 2012


Dave picking apples
Free Vannie's grandson, Cooper, would say where she was was in the process of being renovated.
They made it to the top of Tome Hill.
St. Augustine Church on the Isleta Pueblo

I wish you could have seen Vannie and Dave when they came home today.  Their arms were loaded with bags of apples and pears.  They had been gone all day with their friend, Loretta.  She had wanted them to see where she grew up and to meet her uncle and his wife. Vannie pulled out her camera and pushed that little thing in the computer and up popped her pictures.  Hooray!  They ooed and ahhed over the pictures, as they told me about their day.  I was amazed at all they did…and they are older than me.  Good Grief…slow down already!!!

Let’s see…I saw pictures from Los Pedillas, Isleta, Bosque Farms, Peralta, Valencia, Tome, Los Luna, Adelino, and Belen.  All these were small little villages south of Albuquerque on I25.  They picked apples and pears from trees in Loretta’s uncle’s backyard.  They saw where Loretta went to elementary school, high school and where she was married.  They climbed a mountain (actually, I think it was a hill, but when you are 66…it is a mountain).  The “mountain” had 3 crosses on the top.  These crosses were constructed by Loretta’s cousin.  They stopped at the Isleta Pueblo and met the nicest man, Alan Torino.  He told them all about the restoration of the church on the Pueblo and invited them to a big celebration for the dedication of a shrine to Mohawk Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American Saint. Vannie said he was very excited about St. Augustine Church on the Isleta Pueblo being chosen to have this shrine. They topped off the day with some yummy New Mexico food at a very tiny cafe.  I could still smell the green chili on their breath when they walked in my door. 

Sh-h-h-h…I think I will have to turn off the lights…they already have one foot in the bed.  Big day for 2 old fogies!

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