Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Festival of the Cranes
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM
Capitan, NM...Home of Smokey the Bear
Roswell, NM...Just can't go through without stopping...Really wierd!
V and D visiting with old friends, Phillip and Abigale Jowers
My 2 princesses...Emilie and Madeline
Fredricksburg, TX
T-Pop and Vincent...Buddies!
Fredricksburg, TX
Vannie helped Emilie and Vincent decorate their tree.
Austin, TX
North Texas Airstream Community
Hillsboro, TX

I can’t believe how time flies when you are having so much fun.  The last time I wrote I was sitting pretty high on my kipukas.  Now I’m sitting on a little hillside in Hillsboro, TX.  It’s not a kipukas, but it is a nice spot.  Lots has happened in-between then and now.  I’ll try to just hit the high spots.

…Festival of the Cranes at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in Socorro, NM…this was a neat festival, but these people were getting excited about seeing ducks, much less cranes.  I wonder what they would do if they had a chance to drive down Lake Martin Road in Lafayette when the Roseate Spoonbills were there or see a blue heron fly over and just stand there in the swamp…tall and stately…

…Capitan, NM - Home of Smoky the Bear…Yes, there really was a Smoky!

…Roswell, NM – Just had to make one more stop there – too crazy to pass by

…Artesia, NM – home of Phillip Jowers and his family – V and D knew him in Lafayette…he was just a little boy then – all grown up now – Phillip treated them to a wonderful Mexican restaurant

…Fort Stockton, TX – just an overnighter

…Fredericksburg, TX –Willkommen (German for Welcome) two nights here - had a visit from Emilie, Vincent, and Madeline – Vincent spent the night, and he and V and D climbed Cross Mountain the next day – Vannie and Dave brought home a big honkin’ Apple Strudel from one of the German restaurants – they devoured it in one sitting – did not share one bite with me or Vincent – a bunch of hogs!

…Austin, TX – Lone Star RV on I35 – this is the same place we stayed last summer – felt like home – stayed for a week – so nice to have Vincent sleep over in me – made me feel all warm inside – Madeline got the croup this week and we were all a little worried about her, but she pulled through with flying colors – She is such a little bundle of sweetness.  V and D spent Thanksgiving Day with Emilie and family.  They did bring me a turkey leg back.  Hope I get a bite of it before Vannie digs into it.  She’s gets evil when it comes to turkey legs.

…Hillsboro, Tx – This place feels special….do you know why?  Well, it is just for airstreams…that’s right…just the big silver bullets.  They actually sell spaces here.  This can be like your permanent home.  I don’t think we are ready for that, but we are enjoying the spot.  V and D had a coupon for 2 free nights…right price, so here we are.  Hillsboro is just south of Dallas.  We passed a big outlet mall on the way in, so I can bet your bottom dollar Vannie is going to check it out tomorrow. 

I think that catches us up…Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.


  1. Gypsy, your trips sound like so much fun! You take care of our friends, now, ya hear?
    Cindy & Jennings

    1. My Thanksgiving was wonderfully quiet after five hectic days at work. What did you think of the light posts that looked like alien faces? I think it even creeped Dad out when we went through there. I hope you take some time to enjoy the Sangre de Cristos mountains. They are absolutely beautiful.

      Miss you two.
