Monday, June 1, 2015


Gypsy Rhapsody
Vannie and Dave had their first day off since they arrived in NM.
They love their jobs at the Caribel Condos, but a little rest
and recoup were in order.
Last year they enjoyed eating at the Senior Citizen Center,
so lunch at the center, it was.
They were excited about getting see their "old" friends again.

Walking to the center was the only thing to do,
since V and D are on a 10,000 steps a day plan.
(10,000 steps a day...My goodness...who came up with that)

Vannie wrote a poem to tell about their walk.
...written in the style of Stanford Lyne...
Sandy lived and worked in Lafayette.  He taught classes for the
Acadiana Arts Council..."Writing Poems from your Daily Experiences."
We are walking up the steep hill to lunch.
The cool, crisp wind blows against our faces.
The creek is full of winter snow melt.
The path is curved.
...sometimes smooth...sometimes dusty...
The mountains stand at attention draped with
the last of the snowfall of the season.
Our journey takes us past old wagon wheels,
... the new thrift store,

... the new restaurant that serves bison burgers and homemade ice cream
...and the Questa Visitor's Center.
...and there is the old truck

...and the beautiful flowers that seem to be saying,
"You can do it...just a little more.
Your destination is around the next curve."
Ahhh, we made it...
...and our tummies say, "Thank you."

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about your summer!
