Monday, June 17, 2013


Note the wheat field right outside my window
Dave called these "fish scales".   A lot of houses in Lindsborg had them.
Saw this on several houses
Downtown Lindsborg
St. Lucia...Hands out gifts and sweets to children during the Christmas season 
A Dala Horse...A Swedish icon...They were all over town, each decorated by local artists.
A beautiful door framed by decorative tiles.
Window with wrought iron design
Blacksmith shop in the middle of town

While I was waking up this morning, Dave and Vannie decided to walk downtown in Lindsborg, Kansas.  This is just the cutest little town...V and D liked it so much, I get the feeling we will be back here one day.

Lindsborg is a central Kansas plains town of about 3,500.  It was founded by Swedish immigrants in 1868.  One can feel the influence of the Swedish all over the place.

Bet you are wondering what the title of this story is all about.  Well, while V and D were walking around they happened upon a delightful little coffee/bakery shop.  They stopped in to have breakfast, and this message was on the wall..."Let's go and fikar".  They inquired and discovered the meaning is..."taking time to enjoy coffee, sweets and conversation with friends."  I like it!  I was glad when they returned so that they could "fikar" with me.  Now you go and "fikar" with someone!!!

We headed out to Nebraska after our "fikaring".  More wheat and corn fields.  Dave said this is the bread basket of America.  I felt like I was in my own private snow globe.  I could see all the way to the curve of the earth in all directions.  Beautiful fields of gold or green!  I got this same feeling of the snow globe in west Texas, but it was all brown.  Beautiful in a completely different way with it's mesas and cattle ranges and mesquite trees.

We stopped in Gothenburg, Nebraska for the night.  What's with these "borg"..."burg"!  Nearly every small town has one or the other in it's name.  Gothenburg is the home to two Pony Express that makes it the Pony Express Capital of Nebraska.  Another little tidbit...the women's restroom in our campground is a storm shelter.  OK, folks, I can not fit into the women's restroom.  Ain't no way I'm getting in there.  So...I'm praying for clear skies.  I don't know if I can sleep a wink tonight thinking about this dilemma.  Vannie told me to just calm down and start counting sheep.  Easy for her say...she can fit in the restroom. Now she says to start counting backwards by threes from 200      200...197...194...191...zzzzzzzz

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