Wednesday, October 24, 2012


This is supposed to look like me?...I don't think so.  This looks like an Airstream that has been on Jenny Craig.
Who is this guy?  Looks like he is just full of hot air! 
A bunch of ink pens?...and?...Vannie said this was one of the exhibits...GOOFEEE
OK...they've gone to far!
Oh no...she's lost it now!

I think I just heard that familiar “beep”.  An email from Vannie.  It is about time.  I can’t wait to hear what D and V are up to now.

Out of this World Email from Vannie

Gypsy, guess what…I saw a “real” space ship today, and I think it might be one of your distant relatives.  It was kind of bullet shaped, and it was silver.  Do ya think?  We were coming back from Crestone, CO from visiting my cousin, Kathryn Brady.  Remember her…she is the principal of the Crestone Charter School.  Had a great visit.  On our way back to New Mexico, I saw a bright flash of silver out of the corner of my eye.  As I turned to look in that direction, I saw a sign directing us to small museum and exhibit about UFO’s.  Well, you know us…when there is an adventure…go for it.  We pulled off the road and made our way down to the museum and exhibit.  It wasn’t open, but we got out and did a bit of exploring.  I have to admit it was a little weird, but when I saw the silver spaceship…I did think of you.  Ya never know!  Hope all is well…miss ya!

Now, this is about the weirdest email I have ever received.  Me, spaceships, UFO’s…I think they have gone off their rockers.  It’s time for them to come on home to Mama. 


  1. HA!!! Sounds fun. Looking good.

    1. would have loved looking at all the "exhibits". We had a bunch of fun just rummaging through the stuff. Luv ya...
