Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Vera (Rio Rancho), Jennie (Arizona/Indiana), Helen (RioRancho), Carmen (RioRancho), Dave (Harem Master),
Loretta (Lafayette/RioRancho), Cousin Janet (Dallas), Vannie (this pic was taken in V and D's timeshare in Red River)
The poster above them was designed by Jonathan Warm Day for the Taos Talking Picture Festival.
Road to Arroyo Seco...Leaves were still pretty along this stretch
We stopped to explore the "Des Montes Folk Art Gallery".  Still on the road to Seco.  Mountain in the backgroud is part of the Eastern Sierra Madra Range.  Vannie said this was a delightful little gallery.
Cousin Janet standing on the streets of Seco...just look at the glorious NM sky!
Can you believe V and D has this for breakfast?  Well, they did.  The RioRancho girls brought homemade tamales, red chili, and tortillas. 
They both said it was delicious.  They had to go a little light on the red chili.  Even coming from the spicy Cajun food...the red chili was a pretty hot.
Taos was on the agenda.  This is Helen and Cousin Janet enjoying the art work of Ingar Jirby.  Her gallery is located on LaDoux Street in Taos.  The harem loved her bright colors and whimsical style.  Ingar is from Sweden originally, but has lived and painted in NM for many years.
In Ingar's back courtyard, she had an exhibit of large metal animals.  The artist for this exhibit is Fredrick Prescott.  He is from New Mexico. 
Doesn't Vannie look at home here.  She is standing in one of Ingar Jirby's Casita's.  These are located right next to her gallery. 
Vannie said that they are adorable and fairly inexpensive.  
My procedure is almost over.  I’m feeling great…just a little sore in places.  I’m off all medication and have been getting several hi-fives from the employees.  I’ve made new friends and have been really pleased with all the attention.  I am getting homesick for Vannie and Dave, especially after this email this morning.  Seems Dave has been busy…read on…

Email to Gypsy from Vannie

Good Morning, Gypsy.  I talked to your “doctors” , and they have given you a glowing report.  They also reported that you have been a model patient.  I am very proud of you, because, from prior experiences, I know that you can be a little outspoken.  Things have been very interesting in Red River.  As you know, you and I have been the top girls in David’s life for the past several months.  Well, he hit the jackpot this past weekend.  He was feeling like an Arabian Sultan with his harem.  Four lady friends from Albuquerque, an old teaching buddy from the 70’s, Janet and myself made up the harem.  The Albuquerque friends and the teaching buddy arrived Friday.  We met them in Arroyo Seco (a village on the way to the Taos Ski Lift).  The day was brisk and sunny…just perfect.  We ate at Abe’s Cantina…authentic Northern New Mexico food.  Lots of cute little shops and, of course, we went in every one. Drove back to Red River on a scenic narrow road.  Shopped some more in Red River.  Rested…Chicken and Sausage Gumbo for dinner…Yum!  Played cards to the wee hours.  Saturday included more shopping in Red River, art galleries in Taos, lunch at Old Martina’s in Rancho de Taos.  Old Martina’s was a dance hall many moons ago.  Just opened and we loved the place.  Everything from goulash to French pastries.  Afterwards the harem dissipated by all going home.  Dave was little bummed, but Janet and I just tried to give him a little extra attention until he could readjust.  Wonderful weekend, but, as always, we are missing you and looking forward to next Monday.

Harem, huh…well, he better readjust.  I’m not putting up with anyone taking my place in his lineup of women.  And just what do you mean about “out spoken”….me?  Never!


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