Vannie was trying to fix the camera to take a delayed shot.
notice the path up ahead in the distance...
from the window of the stone cabin
SANDIA (watermelon
in Spanish) MOUNTAIN
David told me he didn’t even like watermelon
and there he goes climbing one. Tuesday
I had a doctor’s appointment in Albuquerque.
My axels were sagging and needed to be checked. I heard Vannie say she had a bunch of stuff
sagging, but she was going to ignore it right now. My back was hurting and I just have not been
sleeping well, so D and V decided it was time for a checkup.
The axel doctor said to leave me
with him all day and he would give me a thorough examination.
I was nervous, but he promised he would be gentle. New doctors just give me the hebee jebees. I told Vannie and Dave to go on…I would be
fine, so they took me up on my offer and headed out on an adventure.
They headed for a tram ride up Sandia
Mountain. When they got to the ticket
booth, the guide said the tram was closed for repairs…but they could drive
their truck almost to the top and then hike up the rest of the way. They loved that idea, so off they went. The hike proved to be a little more
adventurous than they had expected, but was just the thing they needed after
being on the road for so many days.
Albert squirrels, woodpeckers, buntings, crickets were some of the
animals they saw. As for wild
flowers…there were Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Scarlet Paintbrush, Mountain
Parsley, Harebell, Hairy Golden Aster.
Vannie said she didn’t automatically know the names of these
flowers. There was a big sign at the
beginning of the trail telling all about the wildlife (plants and animals). At the top of the mountain was a small stone
cabin that had been built by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp) in 1936. V and D had brought a picnic lunch, so that
was the perfect spot to chow down. Just
a great day for V and D…unlike my boring day at the doctors.
Dave and Vannie came to pick me up
at 3:00. I had been checked over from
ass to izzard (that’s an old saying from Vannie’s mom). I do need new axels, but the doc said that he
would order them and D and V can bring me back in October. Sounded good to me…I was ready to hit the
road. Questa, NM is our next stop and I
knew that I was going to get to stay there for about a month. Hallelujah!
I need a little peace and quiet and cool mountain air.
Talk later!
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